Re: [Openstack] I need your help to install Quantum Rest Proxy.

2013-07-10 Thread Julio Carlos Barrera Juez
gin, but I cound not > download Quantum Rest Proxy plugin package(s). Where and how can I download > those packages? > > > > Best Regards, > > Yonggyu Lee > > > > > > -------원본메일--- > 보낸사람 : Julio Carlos Barrera

Re: [Openstack] I need your help to install Quantum Rest Proxy.

2013-07-10 Thread Julio Carlos Barrera Juez
Hi lyonggyu. We are integrating our OpenNaaS project [1] with OpenStack in i2cat Foundation [2] in the the context of Mantychore project [3]. We want OpenNaaS to be the network provider of OpenStack to deploy dynamic cloud environments easily. To achieve this goal, we use 'Big Switch, Floodlight R