I'm pretty sure the reasoning behind LL moving all the multimedia to a
plugin system was so that 3rd parties could write their own plugins.
There's nothing stopping anyone from writing a plugin to take over all the
functions the old Quicktime plugin does. It's just that nobody has bothered
to do it
The problem is the SDK is so old, it is not compatible with VS2013 do to the
updated VC11 code support. That why it is erroring now.~TM
> Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 23:10:20 +0100
> From: sl...@free.fr
> To: opensource-dev@lists.secondlife.com
> Subject: Re: [opensource-dev] Viewer Tools Upgrades -
On Tue, 24 Feb 2015 15:37:21 -0600, Nicky Perian wrote:
> Plugins are no longer built in the viewer but, are delivered
> as content in an archive.
Which means TPV developers will not be able any more to fix bugs in the
plugins and will have to endure the very same bugs as the ones plagging
LL's v
Plugins are no longer built in the viewer but, are delivered
as content in an archive. For quicktime this is more licence friendly by
delivering the dll instead on the components needed to build the dll in the
viewer. That is likely not the complete reason for packaging but, it is
Once LL
Recently I started working on getting set up with VS2013 build system and I
have it running fairly smoothly. I have with the help of another member on
this list gotten it so that I can build the plug-ins including
QuickTime(prop 3-p lib) which you have to have the sdk installed on your
system. Now