Hello Thomas,
>Can you try to copy the ftd2xx.dll to the openocd or windows system
It is not working here, the ftd2xx.dll file can be found under
and inside my openocd build directory, but no success.
Michael Fischer wrote:
> Hello list,
Hi Michael!
> The configure step will produce the following error:
> checking for "./guess-rev.sh"... yes
> configure: Using: ftdichip.com library: /home/mfischer/openocd/ftd2xx.cdm
> checking for ftd2xx.lib exists (win32)... checking Test: Build & Link with
Hello list,
now I am back again and want to start to build the
latest version (here r1454) under windows, cygwin.
The tools are:
- autoconf 2.59
- automake 1.9.6
The ftdi driver is the version: CDM 2.04.16 WHQL Certified
For the build, I use the following commands:
./configure --e