On 23/11/2010 19:54, Spencer Oliver wrote:
On 23/11/2010 18:21, Chris Jones wrote:
I've now spent some more time looking at this problem and have been
digging around in arm_adi_v5.c to see what's going on.
In the fault condition, even the first few operations in
On 04/11/2010 21:35, Andreas Fritiofson wrote:
On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 10:01 AM, Chris Jones
I tried the IAR software but don't have a JTAG dongle directly
compatible with it. I tried to get it to talk to OpenOCD via GDB
but attempting to download the code to the STM32 that way
On 31/10/2010 13:40, Michel Catudal wrote:
Le 2010-10-30 04:20, Chris Jones a écrit :
I'd like to work out whether the debug unit really does break, or
whether there's just a misunderstanding about state between it and
Wouldn't pulling the boot pin and send the rese
On 30/10/2010 00:15, Andreas Fritiofson wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 8:58 PM, Chris Jones wrote:
>> But there's a way of breaking it semi-permanently. The application on the
>> STM32 is one which spends most of its time with the CPU in Stop mode, waking
>> up peri
Am I stuck? Or is there a way of finding out how the Cortex-M3 debug
unit is wedged, if that's the case, and tickling it back to life?
Thank you
Chris Jones - ch...@martin-jones.com
Martin-Jones Technology Ltd
148 Catharine Street, Cambridge, CB1 3AR, UK
Phone +44