Re: [Openocd-development] [Patch] USB Blaster improvements

2011-04-05 Thread Ali Lown
Excerpts from Øyvind Harboe's message of Tue Apr 05 07:25:36 +0100 2011: > Are these ready to be merged? I say yes, but comments from the list would be useful. I haven't implemented as was suggested an instance struct for the driver, choosing to use a global buffer, as is used in other drivers. I

Re: [Openocd-development] [Patch] USB Blaster improvements

2011-04-03 Thread Ali Lown
Excerpts from Peter Stuge's message of Sun Apr 03 13:24:39 +0100 2011: > > > Your implementation seems extremely dangerous to me. You add a global > > > buffer, which will get corrupted if more than one device is being > > > used. Is there a "contract" from openocd core that there will never > > >

Re: [Openocd-development] [Patch] USB Blaster improvements

2011-04-03 Thread Ali Lown
On Apr 3, 2011 12:45 AM, "Peter Stuge" wrote: > > Ali Lown wrote: > > Aah. After failing once by committing too early, I then did it again!! > > Look up the interactive rebase feature of git. I use it a lot to > rework commits which are intentionally or unintentio

[Openocd-development] [Patch] USB Blaster improvements

2011-04-02 Thread Ali Lown
Aah. After failing once by committing too early, I then did it again!! Scrap the 2 previous patches. The one attached below (usb_blaster.patch) implements those 2 rolled into 1, and then corrects a compile error too. usb_blaster.patch Description: Binary data ___

[Openocd-development] [Patch] USB Blaster improvements

2011-04-02 Thread Ali Lown
Attached are 2 patches. Both need to be applied to enable compilation. (I commited the first too early). Together they implement: -Significant speed improvements by commiting 64 jtag states to each usb packet, instead of 1! -Support for the LED (exists on my clone version. I assume it exists on th

Re: [Openocd-development] making contributing easier

2011-03-29 Thread Ali Lown
Excerpts from Tormod Volden's message of Tue Mar 29 21:58:30 +0100 2011: > I would suggest shipping a HACKING or README.patches file that shows > the "real" commands to do the above steps. Teach a man to fish... I have to admit that in the long run that is a better suggestion. If they are wishing

Re: [Openocd-development] making contributing easier

2011-03-29 Thread Ali Lown
> How about adding a "contribute" script which did the following: > > - fetch from origin > - commit changes from user, bringing up a text editor with > a template commit message. > - rebase origin to the master branch, abort if there are conflicts > I think it should make a new branch for them, t

Re: [Openocd-development] [Patch] increase buffer size for svf files

2011-03-27 Thread Ali Lown
Hmm, this looks like a case of WOMM, because given we are both testing against the same file (the one you attached), and are both using the git master, we should both/neither get this crash. Looks like one of the buffers is becoming corrupt somehow, yet they are all malloc'ing correctly. Given it

Re: [Openocd-development] [Patch] increase buffer size for svf files

2011-03-27 Thread Ali Lown
Your svf file does fail with my patch. I had to increase it from 8x the normal buffer size to 32x the normal buffer size, before it stopped reporting buffer-to-small errors. Then I simply get the: Error: tdo check error at line 33 Error: read = 0x0, want = 0xF2618093, mask = 0xFFF Error: fail

[Openocd-development] SVF parser, SDR with TDI forces read?

2011-03-27 Thread Ali Lown
Noted with Xilinx svf files, (once my other patch is applied to let it read the whole line), programming is _very_ slow. I have adjusted usb_blaster.c to allow it to send a larger buffer all at once when written (see attached patch), but this is not the main issue. (Only tested with a CY7C68013A b

Re: [Openocd-development] [Patch] increase buffer size for svf files

2011-03-27 Thread Ali Lown
Hmm, well I can report that that patch alone let me successfully program my FPGA. > I am unable to download the attachment here, tar reports it isn't an archive, so not sure what changes were made to try to emulate a

[Openocd-development] [Patch] increase buffer size for svf files

2011-03-25 Thread Ali Lown
Xilinx ISE 13.1 produces svf files for Spartan XC3S50AN that are too large for the buffer to hold -> causing it to fail to program. Attached is a patch that simply increases the buffer size - I tried a variety of sized buffers - they had no effect on the speed of programming. -Ali buffer.patch