Struggling with SSL

2012-10-25 Thread Dimitri Yioulos
Greetz, all. Over the past couple of days, I've tried to make openmeetings over ssl work using the directions found on the Web, but have failed. I don't see any obvious errors when starting red5, but get the dreaded "Error Missing [204] --> Error Missing [556] --> Error Missing [642]" when I g

RE: Struggling with SSL

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
Are you using a self-signed certificate? Stephen Cottham Group IT Manager (Associate) Robert Bird Group Level 5, 333 Ann St Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS) Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK) Fax: +6173 319 2799 Mobile: +61400 756 963 (AUS) Mobile: +447900 918 616 (UK

Re: Struggling with SSL

2012-10-25 Thread Dimitri Yioulos
Yes. I'm not sure if I did it correctly, though. On Thursday 25 October 2012 9:38:33 am Stephen Cottham wrote: > Are you using a self-signed certificate? > > Stephen Cottham > Group IT Manager (Associate) > > Robert Bird Group > Level 5, 333 Ann St > Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia > Phone

Re: Struggling with SSL

2012-10-25 Thread Dimitri Yioulos
Stephen, Here's the command I used to create the self-signed cert: keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias Red5 -keystore /usr/local/openmeetings/conf/keystore -storepass password -validity 3650 -keysize 2048 Dimitri On Thursday 25 October 2012 9:38:33 am Stephen Cottham wrote: > Are you using a

RE: Struggling with SSL

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
When ive tested self-signed certificates I would get that error unless I added the cert into my browser manually as a trusted source (paid SSL certs don't have this issue) Confirm your certs was created like this: (if they was not working you wouldn't get to HTTPS page anyway) keytool -keysize 20

RE: Struggling with SSL

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
Looks fine, id just import the cert as a trusted root certificate and test it again. -Original Message- From: Dimitri Yioulos [] Sent: 25 October 2012 15:08 To: Subject: Re: Struggling with SSL Stephen, Here's the comm

RE: Struggling with SSL

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
Example like here: ed-certificate-as-a-trusted-root-ca-in-windows-vista.aspx This is for a webmail site but the principal l is exactly the same for any SSL site you want to import the cert from. (Oh im assuming you are usin

Re: Struggling with SSL

2012-10-25 Thread Dimitri Yioulos
Stephen, Thanks for that, but I really don't care about importing the cert into my Windows client, and don't want my end users to do that, either. Once I accept the cert via my browser, I should be good-to-go. Going back to an earlier post of yours, I did this part just fine: keytool -keysize

RE: Struggling with SSL

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
Hi Dimitri, Unfortunately you won't be able to get your end users to use SSL without them importing the root certificate, the reason RTMPS doesn't connect is because as far as the browser is concerned this is an invalid certificate, HTTPS will work fine just by simply accepting the certificate

Re: Struggling with SSL

2012-10-25 Thread Dimitri Yioulos
Hmmm. If that's the case, then to heck with it. If users have to do that, it'll be a huge pita. I can't imagine asking e.g. my grandmother to do it :-0 . > The second part of the command is for the screen sharing component to work, > it requires its only SSL certificate -> this one is called

RE: Struggling with SSL

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
Just copy the first cert with a different name cp keystore keystore.screen and then you're good to go. If you don't want your end users to have to mess around with SSL certs then you will probably have to purchase a legitimate one - as painful as it is the security around SSL is there to protect

Openmeetings mysql password

2012-10-25 Thread Manuel Michaelis
Dear developers, we have openmeetings installed on ubuntu. Since the mysql data bench was auto created with installation we didn't generate the mysql password ourselves. The question is: Where can we find the auto generated mysql password. Thank you for answers Manuel

RE: Openmeetings mysql password

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
Can you log into mysql using root? If so then you can change the password from that account for the openmeerings user. Stephen Cottham Group IT Manager (Associate) Robert Bird Group Level 5, 333 Ann St Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS) Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK)

Uploading files

2012-10-25 Thread Dimitri Yioulos
Here's another issue I'm having today - I can upload any files. I can select a file just fine, but when I click "Start upload", absolutely nothing happens (no errors, etc.). That's really aggravating, as I did have it working fine. I also notice that files that I'd upped previously are no lon

Re: Struggling with SSL

2012-10-25 Thread Dimitri Yioulos
Stephen, I really appreciate the input. This is meant to be a production server, and I completely agree with you that it, and any sites that are published to the public WAN that require a logon, should be secure. So, I guess I'll have to consider buying a cert (already have some for other of

RE: Uploading files

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
Can you stop red5 then start it using the script - then try and access the upload again and report back the debug trace. ./ And im assuming you un-did all the SSL changes? Stephen Cottham Group IT Manager (Associate) Robert Bird Group Level 5, 333 Ann St Brisbane, Que

RE: Struggling with SSL

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
No probs. Maybe look at getting a wild card cert? * Then you can issue the single cert to multiple sites (could be cheaper in the long run) I can confirm that OM plays nice with wild card certs too. Best Regards Stephen Cottham Group IT Manager (Associate) Robert Bird Grou

Re: Uploading files

2012-10-25 Thread Dimitri Yioulos
OK, feel foolish, but where do I find the trace output? On Thursday 25 October 2012 12:17:46 pm Stephen Cottham wrote: > Can you stop red5 then start it using the script - then > try and access the upload again and report back the debug trace. > > ./ > > And im assuming

RE: Uploading files

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
cd /usr/lib/red5/ then ./ The trace it the standard output to the same console. -Original Message- From: Dimitri Yioulos [] Sent: 25 October 2012 17:29 To: Subject: Re: Uploading files OK, feel foolis

RE: Uploading files

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
Or you can run the debugger http://youropenmeetingsip:5080/openmeetings/?swf=maindebug.as3.swf10.swf -Original Message- From: Stephen Cottham [] Sent: 25 October 2012 17:31 To: Subject: RE: Uploading files c

Re: Uploading files

2012-10-25 Thread Dimitri Yioulos
Ah, running the debugger is a thing of beauty! OK, here's the output when I try to up a file: doActionmenu: importFile INFO: #main_content/@_content/@inner/uploadWindowExplorer/@_resizeview.setColor is deprecated. Use #main_content/@_content/@inner/uploadWindowExplorer/@_resizeview.setAttrib

RE: Uploading files

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
Are you running SSL still? Stephen Cottham Group IT Manager (Associate) Robert Bird Group Level 5, 333 Ann St Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS) Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK) Fax: +6173 319 2799 Mobile: +61400 756 963 (AUS) Mobile: +447900 918 616 (UK) Web: www.rob

Re: Uploading files

2012-10-25 Thread Dimitri Yioulos
I am the dumbest ass in the world! Seems like I left just a bit of cruft in one on my files from my SSL adventure. Once I fixed that, all's well. Sincere apologies for wasting your time. Hope I'm still welcome here :-) . Dimitri On Thursday 25 October 2012 12:48:12 pm Dimitri Yioulos wrot

RE: Uploading files

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
All good Dimitri, glad it's working again. :) Stephen Cottham Group IT Manager (Associate) Robert Bird Group Level 5, 333 Ann St Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS) Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK) Fax: +6173 319 2799 Mobile: +61400 756 963 (AUS) Mobile: +447900 918

AW: Openmeetings mysql password

2012-10-25 Thread Manuel Michaelis
No, root login to mysql doesn’t work. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Stephen Cottham [] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2012 18:05 An: Betreff: RE: Openmeetings mysql password Can you log into mysql using ro

RE: Openmeetings mysql password

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
You can reset the root account: -Original Message- From: Manuel Michaelis [] Sent: 25 October 2012 18:16 To: Subject: AW: Openmeetings mysql password No, root login

RE: Openmeetings mysql password

2012-10-25 Thread Stephen Cottham
Btw- what install did you use that created the DB for you without a known password? -Original Message- From: Stephen Cottham Sent: 25 October 2012 18:17 To: Subject: RE: Openmeetings mysql password You can reset the root account: http://www.debi

Re: Uploading files

2012-10-25 Thread Dimitri Yioulos
Stephen, Over the two issues I posted about today, both were of my own making, and were easily corrected thanks to your help. I also learned a bunch. I don't wish to overdo it, but thanks again so much. Dimitri On Thursday 25 October 2012 1:04:51 pm Stephen Cottham wrote: > All good Dimitri