Re: "invalid officeHome" error.

2012-07-07 Thread Alexei Fedotov
You don't have "convert" installed 06.07.2012 15:23 пользователь "Dimosthenis Trichakis" написал: > Hi, > > I have installed the openmmetings in Centos5 64bit and works nice except > the loading of a document in whiteboard. > > After the upload of the document and during conversion I'm getting a

Re: "invalid officeHome" error.

2012-07-07 Thread Dimosthenis Trichakis
Has been installed: [root@comms ~]# find / -name convert /usr/bin/convert :-( On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 10:50 AM, Alexei Fedotov wrote: > You don't have "convert" installed > 06.07.2012 15:23 пользователь "Dimosthenis Trichakis" > написал: > > Hi, >> >> I have installed the openmmetings in Cento

Re: "invalid officeHome" error.

2012-07-07 Thread Dimosthenis Trichakis
I correct the directory for the converter and now I'm getting: Name: out Value: Name: exitValue Value: 1 Name: command Value: [java, -Doffice.home=/usr/lib64/openoffice.org3/program/, -cp, /usr/lib/red5/webapps/openmeetings/jodconverter-core-3.0-beta-4/lib/json-20090211.jar, -cp, /usr/lib/red5/web

RE: Share Record Screen not working

2012-07-07 Thread Tom Judge
George: No apology necessary I do not use winblows this is all Linux Ubuntu all the time. However I will check for the security window. Another silly issue now is that the webcam test is hanging on the accept or deny dialog box. The system that is working is using the IceTea plugin and is firef

RE: "invalid officeHome" error.

2012-07-07 Thread George Kirkham
Dimosthenis, >From your log output, invalid officeHome: it doesn't contain soffice.bin: /usr/lib64/openoffice.org3/program", I wonder what you have in the Configuration settings for "office.path" ? I do not put anything in here as OpenMeetings can usually find the correct path. On my Ubuntu (

Re: "invalid officeHome" error.

2012-07-07 Thread Dimosthenis Trichakis
George thank you for the reply, I have installed the openmeeting in debian without any problem but when I try to installed it in Centos5 I have problems with paths etc. If I leave empty the field "office.path" I'm getting the error "officeHome not set and could not be auto-detected" during file co

RE: "invalid officeHome" error.

2012-07-07 Thread George Kirkham
Dimosthenis, I have not been able to successfully install Centos so I have no experience with OpenMeetings in Centos. These days my preferred OS is 32 bit Debian, but that is just a personal choice. What do you get on your OpenMeetings server if you run the following two commands as root

Re: Please respond: Open Meetings Use Cases Survey

2012-07-07 Thread Daniel Ascher
Thanks Alexei! I am glad to be able to help the OM community, at least in a small way. We currently only have 10 responses, so I hope we can get many more people to respond and gather more useful information. Dan On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 3:43 AM, Alexei Fedotov wrote: > Nice survey. Would definite

Re: Please respond: Open Meetings Use Cases Survey

2012-07-07 Thread
Hi Dan, glad you made it :) I could try to post a new blog article about it. That could gather some more attention to it. But I would need some more background information about the survey to make a nice article. Dan, can you explain some of the reasons for the survey? Thanks! Sebastian 2012/7/

Re: Please respond: Open Meetings Use Cases Survey

2012-07-07 Thread Daniel Ascher
Hi Sebastian: Thank you. I am glad I made the survey too. I could of course modify it if necessary. I think it would be helpful if you can publicize it in any way possible because the more users who respond, the more representative the information will be. My reason for creating the survey is tha

Re: Please respond: Open Meetings Use Cases Survey

2012-07-07 Thread Tom Judge
see below -- Ubuntu-Head Tom Judge Ubuntu Head Look for us on the web:!/learnubuntu Also we are on Skype as user On

RE: Share Record Screen not working

2012-07-07 Thread Tom Judge
anyway i will review what you sen tme and the rest of this will be a tomorrow thing because my lovely wife just got home and its time for dinner, etc. Thanks for all the help today. FYI the openmeeting server is 32 bit just my one client laptop is 64 bit -- Ubuntu-Head Tom Judge Ubuntu He

Improvements to the User Interface

2012-07-07 Thread George Kirkham
Sebastian, I have been wanting to ask if people would be OK to discuss some restructuring to user interface. While the Conference meeting room layouts are excellent, our users have plenty of problems logging in and joining a room, so I would like to suggest possible improvements. So

OpenMeetings stability during this time of rapid changes

2012-07-07 Thread George Kirkham
Sebastian, I quite often find that when I download OpenMeetings 2.0 latest revision, there is something that was working before but is now broken. I understand that we are doing a lot of updates and changes but some stability would be greatly appreciated by those of us who are using/testing