>> ** **
>> ** **
>> **è **BTW do we not need the second keystore anymore? Keystore.screen ?**
>> **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik [mailto:solomax...@gmail.com]
> wrote:
> Assuming the only change was to add another key store called
> keystore.screen?
> Where did you update it? I will want to update the guides with those
> changes also.
> *From:* Maxim Solodovnik [mailto:solomax.
-container-ssl.xml jee-container.xml
è BTW do we not need the second keystore anymore? Keystore.screen ?
From: Maxim Solodovnik [mailto:solomax...@gmail.com]
Sent: 24 July 2012 15:45
To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: RTMPS / HTTPS - error while starting red5 server
t; -Original Message-
> From: Stephen Cottham
> Sent: 24 July 2012 14:39
> To: 'openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org'
> Subject: RE: RTMPS / HTTPS - error while starting red5 server
> And you are 100% sure the keystore file exists here?
> /u
rting red5 server
And you are 100% sure the keystore file exists here?
-Original Message-
From: Marc Relec [mailto:marc.re...@gmail.com]
Sent: 24 July 2012 14:34
To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: RTMPS / HTTPS - error while starting red5 server
And you are 100% sure the keystore file exists here?
-Original Message-
From: Marc Relec [mailto:marc.re...@gmail.com]
Sent: 24 July 2012 14:34
To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: RTMPS / HTTPS - error while starting red5 server
Thanks for your
Thanks for your reply. Now I followed step 12 of the guide and red5
keeps running. OM is still not running, it tries to connect via RTMPS
and then via RTMPT (error message: NetConnection.Connect.Failed).
In my red5 log there are two warnings:
(1) [WARN] [main] org.red5.server.net.rtmps.RTMPSMin
I'll double check the instraction. This property should not be set.
On Jul 24, 2012 4:51 PM, "Marc Relec" wrote:
> Hi all!
> I try to get RTMPS / HTTPS working an use this wiki entry:
> http://incubator.apache.org/openmeetings/RTMPSAndHTTPS.html
> Unfortunately it leads to an error message and
What OS did you install OM on?
Is this a valid Certificate or self-signed?
Did you follow the web site only or the guides here?
ted+to+OpenMeetings )
Debian and Ubuntu guides from Step 12 onwards should help you.
But I can