ould be worth checking that the paths for jod.path, ffmpeg_path,
>> sox_path, imagemagick_path and swftools_path are also correctly specified.
>> ** **
>> Thanks,
>> ** **
>> George Kirkham
>> ** **
>> *
th, ffmpeg_path,
> sox_path, imagemagick_path and swftools_path are also correctly specified.
> ** **
> Thanks,
> ** **
> George Kirkham
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Jacob C. Gaiski [mailto:jgai...@emich.edu]
> *Sen
jod.path, ffmpeg_path, sox_path,
imagemagick_path and swftools_path are also correctly specified.
George Kirkham
From: Jacob C. Gaiski [mailto:jgai...@emich.edu]
Sent: Thursday, 20 December 2012 2:24 AM
To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: FreeBSD and
Curiosity killed the car Linas! Damnit!
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 19, 2012, at 7:34 AM, Linas Redeckis wrote:
> Its best practice not to touch anything if it works fine. But NO - i had to
> be curious and try new OM2 ..
> So i took fresh install of FreeBSD 8.2, installed all required parts
Thanks Maxim, it worked. At least partly. I can now use PDF files. other
filetypes from MS products does take alot longer to be converted, and in
some documents fonts/characters gets misplaced. (must be non-open, non-free
font accident).
Thank you, and thanks to all community - OM is great!
I have a very short memory but this looks familiar. Guess I did a sudo
updatedb, sudo locate libreoffice (in linux) to find the path and then I input
that into the OM configuration. I had it in /usr/lib64/libreoffice I think. Was
it perhaps so that you should add /program at the end of the path?
Hello Linas,
As exception states: "officeHome not set and could not be auto-detected"
you need to go to the administration->configurations and set configuration
with key "office.path"
the path entered should lead to the folder where "program/soffice.bin" is
located. i.e.
locate soffice.bin