he BLL (Business Logic Layer) called also "the domain layer".
> *Hamdi THABET
> *
> *---Message original---*
> *De :* seba.wag...@gmail.com
> *Date :* 09/05/2012 12:16:28
> *A :* openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
> *Sujet
09/05/2012 12:16:28
A : openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
Sujet : Re: Réf. : Re: Réf. : Logical architecture of OM 2.0
What layer do you think is missing?
Sebastian Wagner
What layer do you think is missing?
2012/5/9 Hamdi THABET
>Hi Sebastian,
> "It is to argue if the layer "Dao/Impl" needs to be added or not." => it's
> not that at all
> My stage supervisor ask me : What's technology is used in OM as Data
> Access Objects ?
> Because DAO is the general n
Hi Sebastian,
"It is to argue if the layer "Dao/Impl" needs to be added or not." => it's
not that at all
My stage supervisor ask me : What's technology is used in OM as Data Access
Objects ?
Because DAO is the general name of the layer like presentation layer or
service one.
I learned about ORM a