Re: NT Wrapper works brilliantly on Windows

2012-06-13 Thread Alexei Fedotov
Robert, thanks for sharing. I get used to Windows control panel and ran cmd /k run.bat as a service for free. -- With best regards / с наилучшими пожеланиями, Alexei Fedotov / Алексей Федотов, +7 916 562 8095 On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 5:45 AM, Robert Chalmers wrote: > Just thou

NT Wrapper works brilliantly on Windows

2012-06-10 Thread Robert Chalmers
Just thought I'd share this finding. I really needed to run Red5.bat as a service, with no screen interaction. I was already using NT Wrapper Lite, (1 service only, but free) so purchased NTWrapper Pro - 17 Euros, unlimited services. >From - google NTWrapper. So easy to set up. Tell it