MYSql use continued ...

2012-06-10 Thread Robert Chalmers
Probably more correctly I need to ask. 1. Is it possible to make OM2.0 use an existing mysql database created for V1.8.8 - Moodle Plugin. ? 2. failing above - can I change V2. to use Mysql, without having to do a new /install ? thanks Robert

How do I swap to MYSql - already using Moodle as well

2012-06-10 Thread Robert Chalmers
I have Moodle and the Moodle openmeetings Plugin 1.8 I think it is installed, and also now have openmeetings v2.xx server installed and running. I have tried changing the persistence.xml. Swapping mysql_persistence.xml into place. But even though I am using the same password etc as Moodle, it's no

NT Wrapper works brilliantly on Windows

2012-06-10 Thread Robert Chalmers
Just thought I'd share this finding. I really needed to run Red5.bat as a service, with no screen interaction. I was already using NT Wrapper Lite, (1 service only, but free) so purchased NTWrapper Pro - 17 Euros, unlimited services. >From - google NTWrapper. So easy to set up. Tell it

Re: Failed to load debug mode of OM2.0

2012-06-10 Thread
New URL to debug is: http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/?swf=maindebug.as3.swf10.swf Sebastian 2012/6/10 madkoala > I've installed OM2.0 on my ubuntu machine. > (apache-openmeetings-incubating-2.0.0.r1348271-08-06-2012_2315.tar.gz

Re: Download recordered video

2012-06-10 Thread
Hi Alexey, please rerun the recording. You have to re-recorder the recording there was an issue with the recording. Sebastian 2012/6/8 Alexey Ermakov > > Hello George, > > Thank you for the quick reply. I tried to click these buttons few times, > but download did not started. So I decided that

Re: Trying to get Mail to work. Can't even do Authentication

2012-06-10 Thread
if email_username and email_userpass are both an empty string Openmeetings will try to connect to the mail server without authentication. If email_username and/or email_userpass is set, it will use regular smtp authentication with the provided params. You should restart the red5 service after chang