Re: Video quality on high resolution

2012-04-23 Thread Sergey Kobzar
Alexei Could you give me links to Goole codecs or your flash please? On 04/24/12 09:50, Alexei Fedotov wrote: That's known flash issue. As for now we don't have a workarond. Some possible options include upgrading flash (in our build) or migrating to google codecs 23.04.2012 22:05 пользователь

Re: Video quality on high resolution

2012-04-23 Thread Alexei Fedotov
That's known flash issue. As for now we don't have a workarond. Some possible options include upgrading flash (in our build) or migrating to google codecs 23.04.2012 22:05 пользователь "Sergey Kobzar" написал:

Re: Video quality on high resolution

2012-04-23 Thread Sergey Kobzar
Sebastian On 04/23/12 20:26, wrote: The server should be no issue at all, with 1 or 2 clients no matter what JVM settings you choose. You could try to use OpenMeetings integration screen capture to record the meeting streams. The recorded "raw" streams video material is in

Re: Video quality on high resolution

2012-04-23 Thread
The server should be no issue at all, with 1 or 2 clients no matter what JVM settings you choose. You could try to use OpenMeetings integration screen capture to record the meeting streams. The recorded "raw" streams video material is in webapps/openmeetings/streams/$ROOM_ID/ *.flv => You could ch

Re: Video quality on high resolution

2012-04-23 Thread Sergey Kobzar
On 04/23/12 20:18, Sergey Kobzar wrote: On 04/23/12 20:07, wrote: Does yoru webcam support more then 640x480 at all? Most webcam'S max resolution is 640x480. I can not tell exactly now because one camera is integrated in laptop and 2nd camera in office. I'm reviewing opt

Re: Video quality on high resolution

2012-04-23 Thread Sergey Kobzar
On 04/23/12 20:07, wrote: Does yoru webcam support more then 640x480 at all? Most webcam'S max resolution is 640x480. I can not tell exactly now because one camera is integrated in laptop and 2nd camera in office. I'm reviewing option to buy Cisco camera. It costs ~$500

Re: Video quality on high resolution

2012-04-23 Thread
Does yoru webcam support more then 640x480 at all? Most webcam'S max resolution is 640x480. *CPU load is not problem too* => have you really checked that or just assuming? How much % of your CPU is the application "eating" on both client that acts as publisher and as viewer in your conference? Se

Video quality on high resolution

2012-04-23 Thread Sergey Kobzar
Hello I have installed Openmeetings 1.9.1 r4707 on Linux 2.6.39-gentoo-r3 i686. It works fine except if I change camera resolution to 640x480 or higher. After this video becomes slow and I see "slide show". Window which shows local camera output is OK - no delays. Computers (clients) and ser

Re: password length

2012-04-23 Thread Alexei Fedotov
Hello Phil, that's intended behavior to prevent too simple passwords and logins. 23.04.2012 13:17 пользователь "Philippe Dhont" <> написал: > Hi, > > I tried to change the password length from 4 to 2 characters and when I > then change the password for a user and try

Re: Error = No roomType currently available for roomId 2

2012-04-23 Thread
I am not able to reproduce this. I have installed a fresh build. There was no error with the roomtypes, data was correctly populated during installation. Sebastian 2012/4/23 Hamdi THABET >Error = No roomType currently available for roomId 2 > > Popup error appears when trying to enter a mee

Re: start as service

2012-04-23 Thread Alexei Fedotov
There should be init.d scripts somewhere on the list 23.04.2012 15:44 пользователь "Philippe Dhont" <> написал:

RE: Customize calendar

2012-04-23 Thread Heather Bissell
Ok thanks. Thanks Heather ___

Re: Customize calendar

2012-04-23 Thread
I think your configuration proposals fit well with my conclusions ... however not sure when I will have time to work on this or if there is somebody else volunteering to contribute to it. Sebastian 2012/4/23 : > Not in all parts of this world Monday to Friday are workdays. >

Re: Customize calendar

2012-04-23 Thread
Not in all parts of this world Monday to Friday are workdays. In Islamic countries often Thursday/Friday is the weekend. See: Also it is not clear in all countries if the weekend is 1, 2 or 1,5 days So if there would be such opti

RE: Customize calendar

2012-04-23 Thread Heather Bissell
Understand that they are specific. I thought it could be 2 options in configuration "Calendar_Days" and "Calendar_time", where they could be set. Example: Calendar_Days = M-F or M-S or left blank for all days of the week. Calendar_Time =6am-7pm or 4am-9pm or left blank for all days of the week.

start as service

2012-04-23 Thread Philippe Dhont
Hi, Can I start openmeetings as a service ? I have a centos 6.2 server, if someone could help me with the script. Thanks. Ph.

password length

2012-04-23 Thread Philippe Dhont
Hi, I tried to change the password length from 4 to 2 characters and when I then change the password for a user and try to save it, I get the message that it is too short and it is 3 characters. Is this a bug ? Thanks, Ph.

RE: fresh install, red5 ends with an error. -- resolved...

2012-04-23 Thread Philippe Dhont
My dns settings were not complete, completed them and now red5 starts and I can continue with the installation. -Original Message- From: Philippe Dhont [] Sent: maandag 23 april 2012 8:38 To: Subject: RE: fresh