Re: Installation problem

2012-02-15 Thread
do the tables have the character-set utf8 ? Sebastian 2012/2/15 Dave Rutz > I see the openmeetings database and the 54 tables within… > > ** ** > > Dave > > ** ** > > *From:* [] > *Sent:* Wednesday, February 15, 2012 4:54 PM > *To:* Dave

RE: Installation problem

2012-02-15 Thread Dave Rutz
I see the openmeetings database and the 54 tables within... Dave From: [] Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 4:54 PM To: Dave Rutz Subject: Re: Installation problem well is the database + tables actually populated in MySQL? Cause that is what sh

RE: Installation problem

2012-02-15 Thread Dave Rutz
I've looked and searched through all of the files in the red5 folder and none of them contain the words "exception" or "could not connect to database". The only warnings that I have seen are: [WARN] [main] org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet - No transportReceiver for org.apache.axis2.t

Re: Proxying OM behind apache

2012-02-15 Thread
Have you fixed the http-port in the config.xml ? If you run the app with ?swf=maindebug.swf8.swf you might see some URLs when you try to upload a document, those you could manually enter in the browser bar to see what happens / if your apache config works. Sebastian 2012/2/14 Jon Cyr > I'm prox

Re: Installation problem

2012-02-15 Thread
You must have overseen another exception, look for "exception" in your log. I guess you will read something like "could not connect to database" Sebastian 2012/2/15 Dave Rutz > Sebastian, > > ** ** > > This occurs during the initial installation of Openmeetings, launched with > the red5 bat

Re: Regarding latest openmeetings installation

2012-02-15 Thread
Karim, please use the mailing list: I don't think that there is any difference between Chrome, Firefox or IE. Sebastian 2012/2/15 Karim Abdul > Hello, > > I just installed openmeetings, other browsers seams to work fine, but > chrome fo

RE: Installation problem

2012-02-15 Thread Dave Rutz
Sebastian, This occurs during the initial installation of Openmeetings, launched with the red5 batch file. The installation never completes because of that loop... Dave From: [] Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 3:48 PM To: openmeetings-user@in

Re: Installation problem

2012-02-15 Thread
Hi Dave, you can disable those logging by changing the log levels. However, as the log indicates "Scheduler" its a time driven executed code and it has exactly the effect you describe, it will be executed over and over and over again :) There is nothing wrong with your log ;) Sebastian 2012/2/

Re: Regarding open meetings 1.9.1 installation on ubuntu 10.04

2012-02-15 Thread Alexei Fedotov
Hello Karim, Please check 15.02.2012 19:21 пользователь "Karim Abdul" написал: > Hi Alexei, > > I am trying to install open meetings on ubuntu, and not sure where to > start from. Is there any tutorial to go through as of how to install it on > ubuntu 10.04? I am

Installation problem

2012-02-15 Thread Dave Rutz
I'm trying out this software on both Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows XP. On XP, I have downloaded and tried to install the latest 1.9.1-4707 and 1.9.1-4740 packages by running the red5.bat file. On both occasions, I get the following entries: DEBUG 02-14 16:47:32.375 1219579 453

Re: AW: What's the largest meeting you've run

2012-02-15 Thread
Hi Jon, the 2 second delay is latency, you can't compare Skype audio conferences as this needs much less bandwidth compared to Flash conferencing. You should watch your network throughput while conferencing, it might be a bottleneck somewhere betwee: You <=> OpenMeetings server <=> Participant T

Re: AW: What's the largest meeting you've run

2012-02-15 Thread Jon Cyr
Hi All, That's super, just the news I was hoping for. I've just installed this at my first client. They're a small company with four offices across the US, and would like to use this for company meetings. They've also expressed and interest to do some sales webinars with their customers to

Re: Zoom for users

2012-02-15 Thread Andre Bueno Lima
Ok, thanks for the explanation, and sorry for the inconvenience. But I did some testing here in OM 1.9 r4707: 1) In the "full fit" everything works fine. The zoom and scroll the users are synchronized with the moderator. 2) When the moderator leaves the "full fit" and change the zoom to any othe

Re: AW: What's the largest meeting you've run

2012-02-15 Thread
Hi, we have done tests with 120 people in conferene room type "restricted". With 2-3 presenters audio/video + screensharing. There was no possibility to test with more users as we had no more ressources / computers available. Additionally we have done tests with a customer that runs webinars 250