Re: installation question

2012-01-03 Thread Carlos Aguayo
Thanks very much for the help! It turns out that I was able to correct a misconfiguration by using the mysql configuration table to figure out which parameter was screwed up, then go though the admin UI and correct that (imagemagick_path) in the Derby version. Not sure why the installer makes it

Re: installation question

2012-01-03 Thread Conrad Beckert
> How do I know which of the values (e.g. path to imagemagick) were correct and > which need to be fixed,< It's quite easy to find out where a Linux programm is installed. For instance - to find out where pdf2swf is - type $which pdf2swf /usr/bin/pdf2swf Image Magick is not such a good exampl

Re: installation question

2012-01-03 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi, As far as I know, re-running will wipe other customizations. However, I also wonder why are you dealing with mysql table, just because you can change all the paths on the administration part under the settings. You dont need to go into details of the tables. I can also add screenshot i

Re: installation question

2012-01-03 Thread Carlos Aguayo
Thanks, Mahmut, I appreciate your help. I found the paths in the database, (mysql version) but I think I messed up the Derby db entry for imagemagick_path, as I am getting an error when I try to upload. Since I don't know how to update that db entry, I'm sort of stuck, may have to go back to worki

Re: installation question

2012-01-03 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi Carlos, First of all, you dont need to enter all of the values during the installation. You can manually add all these info to the system (after installation go to the site and under the configuration part you can set them one by one) so just make the database configuration correctly. A

installation question

2012-01-03 Thread Carlos Aguayo
Hey, folks, I have done a couple of installs on CentOS 5.4 updated to 5.7, one with the default settings and one using mysql for persistant storage. I have come across one note suggesting that installation problems can be resolved by removing webapps/openmeetings/conf/install.xml and revisiting

Re: architecture overview

2012-01-03 Thread Carlos Aguayo
Thank you, Mahmut, I had seen this list, and I now resign myself to reading many pages about details. What I'm actually looking for is an overview, something that explains what the big-picture blocks are and how they fit together. Data flow overall, not details devoid of context. I think that su

Re: architecture overview

2012-01-03 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi, Have you checked here ? It has some good documentation that can help you. For example, I had taken database scheme from here: move has not completed yet, I think. W

architecture overview

2012-01-03 Thread Carlos Aguayo
Hi there, I'm looking for a descriptive document that explains what all the components of openmeetings and how they interact, in hopes of understanding how to work with the system. The page appears to have a broken link under Community -> Wiki, and there's little detail in the installa

Re: arabic lamguage

2012-01-03 Thread Hasan Gharehasanloo
Hi Maxim It also show words oposite, for example: 'iH' instead of 'Hi'. The Issue is not caused by Invomplete trabslation, because I checked translated words. On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 9:23 AM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote: > Hello Hassan, > > Arabic language is already set to be rtl. I'm afraid the issu