since I don't know a thing about mdb. But, at least
now w/ this and Alan's post I have some idea where to start.
--- On Tue, 12/18/12, Marion Hakanson wrote:
> From: Marion Hakanson
> Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] X11 hang on OI151a5
> To: "Discu said:
> How do you determine what interrupts the drivers use?
> I'm seeing this:
> "NOTICE: IRQ20 is being shared by drivers with different interrupt levels."
> But I haven't found out anything more.
echo "::interrupts -d" | mdb -k
Look for lines with more than one item in th
On 12/18/12 02:15 PM, Reginald Beardsley wrote:
> Does anyone know anything about this? I've posted a bug at Illumos, #3421. says "Seems very much like an errant XGrab."
OI should include mdb modules & scripts to help get a list of grabs if you want
to confirm
which seems to have appeared when I switched to 151a5.
--- On Tue, 12/18/12, Marion Hakanson wrote:
> From: Marion Hakanson
> Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] X11 hang on OI151a5
> To: "Discussion list for OpenIndiana"
> Date: Tuesday, December 18, 2012, 4:27 PM
& said:
> I just lost an hour's work on a wiki when X11 wedged on me just before I went
> to save my work. Mouse was responding, but I could not move or iconify
> windows. I was able to get the root screen window menu to work, but after I
> managed to bring up the display item I