Postfix is scheduled to be updated from v3.1.6 to v3.3.1 and as with
some major Postfix releases there are changes to the configuration format.
Before you update be sure to read postconf(5)
(http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html), especially changes in major
versions 3.2 and 3.3.
Thank you for asking your question, it is something I need to accomplish also.
Can you please start a new thread for the new topic?
Thank you,
On 08/14/16 12:51 AM, Sakuma, Koshiro wrote:
Hi, Bod,
Sorry again. I would like to know about option of postfix installation.
Please see
Try communigate. Works out of the box on oi and has very nice features.
This not spam, i just think it is the best mail solution i ever tried.
On 6 april 2015 21:57:00 j...@m5.chicago.il.us wrote:
Centuries ago, Nostradamus predicted that Dmitry Kozhinov
would write on Sun, 29 Mar 2015 20:3
Centuries ago, Nostradamus predicted that Dmitry Kozhinov
would write on Sun, 29 Mar 2015 20:37:00 +0500:
> As far as I know, Postfix resides in SFE repository. Before installing
> Postfix, add SFE repository (if not have added yet):
> pkg set-publisher -p http://pkg.openindiana.org/sfe
As far as I know, Postfix resides in SFE repository. Before installing
Postfix, add SFE repository (if not have added yet):
pkg set-publisher -p http://pkg.openindiana.org/sfe
how can I get postfix on an
OpenIndiana system? Here are the relevant facts:
/home/jay # svcs -a | grep smtp
Esteemed Colleagues:
I'm still hoping that someone will answer the question I asked this
past Wednesday, March 25th, about sound on x86 machines. In the
meantime I have another question: how can I get postfix on an
OpenIndiana system? Here are the relevant facts:
/home/jay # svcs -a | grep s