Hello!please post the output of the command fmdump... line of the fmadm faulty
outputGesendet von meinem LG Mobile-- Originalnachricht--Von: Apostolos
Syropoulos via openindiana-discussDatum: So., 14. März 2021 08:47An: Discussion
List for OpenIndiana;Cc: Apostolos Syropoulos;Betreff:Re
egacy boot on the
P52!Regards,StephanGesendet von meinem LG Mobile--
Originalnachricht--Von: Espen MartinsenDatum: Do., 11. Apr. 2019 12:43An:
Betreff:Re: AW: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Question about boot.media
Hello!Please first try to switch acpi off in the oi boot menu ( no 5 i
think).Regards,StephanGesendet von meinem LG Mobile--
Originalnachricht--Von: Espen MartinsenDatum: Do., 11. Apr. 2019 11:10An:
openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org;Cc: Betreff:[OpenIndiana-discuss] Question
about boo
Hi!.. and why you think you need vnc??i use ssh -Y remotehost with X11
forwarding to use graphical applications.. maybe this suits your needs as
well..Regards,StephanGesendet von meinem LG Mobile--
Originalnachricht--Von: Stephan AlthausDatum: Mi., 3. Apr. 2019 06:10An:
Thanks for the hint.i filed bug #10260 at illumos
Gesendet von meinem LG Mobile
-- Originalnachricht--Von: Joshua M. ClulowDatum: Do., 17. Jan. 2019
23:21An: Discussion list for OpenIndiana;Cc: Betreff:Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss]
What is the status of UEFI boot support?
On Th