-Original Message-
From: Ewald Ertl []
Sent: donderdag 6 september 2012 9:50
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Mercurial 2.3.1 - local compile fails
As far as i know it is a Python 2.6 issue. It "should" fail on solaris too.
-Original Message-
From: Ewald Ertl []
Sent: donderdag 6 september 2012 9:50
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Mercurial 2.3.1 - local compile fails
You need to post and/or analyse the errorlog of the smb service.
Assuming killed more cats than curiosity ;-)
-Original Message-
From: James Relph []
Sent: donderdag 6 september 2012 10:38
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discu
I found this article some weeks ago.
Excellent article with a step by step walkthrough that installs SABNZB with
Compliments to the writer!
Just to inform you
( I installed the latest SABNZB version, without problems)
I disassembled my 2 V210 servers last year because I thought Sparc was
I only have 4 Ultrasparc IIIi processors and memory that I saved from
To bad...
-Original Message-
From: Mark []
Sent: woensdag 5 september 2012 9:40
To: openindiana-disc
Big compliments!! You moved some Mountains!
-Original Message-
From: Мартин Бохниг (Martin Bochnig) []
Sent: dinsdag 4 september 2012 20:45
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [discuss] SPARC and
Maybe 1 dedicated ISO build to be installed on the HP Microserver which has
1. napp-it (creating networkshares and manage Harddisks at ease)
2. SMTP/POP3 servers with smart configuration scripts so a user can create a
mailserver at ease
3. CUPS scripts for printer sharing
I have multiple Windows 2008 servers that need to write to a shared storage
somewhere in the network.
One of the servers will gather and process all files on that drive.
We thought we were good with iSCSI but that doesn't seem to work, because
multiple Windows machines cannot share a NTFS partit
Also read step 5 carefully.
It explains everything very well to my opinion.
I prefer to create different users that have different PATH settings. For
example my user glassfish has his own PATH to the JAVA JDK and the glassfish
directory. User MySQL has
It's not that OI doesn't have to have a GUI, it's only that not all settings
have to be set OVER a GUI.
Of course it needs a decent GUI, but that doesn't imply that you can
change/alter anything without getting deeper and into the commandline.
-Original Message-
From: Gary Gendel [mail
Jus to inform you:
I just enabled cups and installed Canon CUPS drivers. Within 30 minutes up
and running, can print from all computer in the house to the Cannon MP610
attached via USB to OpenIndiana running at a HP Homeserver.
I guess i sparked this discussion about the GUI. Not that I want a GUI, but
if you read the comments on Alasdair Lumsden resign then most people that
call OI "a stupid OS" are the people that only use a GUI to do things. ;-)
But based on the number of reactions on this subject I fear that there a
Although Openindiana is opensource it doesn't mean it doesn't need any
steering or control.
My main concern is who will take up the flag and carry it?
The people who think OpenIndiana is a dead end have IMHO no idea what it is.
They apparently expect an OS with a GUI that lets them control anythi
This is to bad to be true.
Do I really read people writing down that they have seen Linux outperform
"I spent over a decade developing big data software, primarily on Solaris. I
have seen workloads that bring a 64-core Solaris box to its knees with
massively multi-threaded, bi
I made a small (read huge) mistake by ordering a DELL R320 that I want to
use as a Openindiana host.
I discovered that I can't install Openindiana because it lacks drivers for
the following parts:
1. PERC H710 Integrated RAID Controller, 512MB NV Cache
2. Broadcom network cards
Is there anyone w
I tried 2 things:
1. create an iSCSI target with napp-it on Openindiana
2. create an iSCSI target on Solaris 10
Both things I tried resulted in a working iSCSI drive, hip hay...
Then I mount these drives from a Windows 7 laptop, the drive is identified
and I am asked to format it.
That works too
Something strange has happened on the server.
As I told in a previous message I installed a zone 3 days ago without
I renamed this server in my puttylog to "3dayszone", the serverzone is
installed today is "testzone"
If you look closely, you can see both are having the old pkg version. B
i86pc i386 i86pc
root@testzone:~# pkg version
-Original Message-----
From: Open Indiana []
Sent: donderdag 5 juli 2012 12:21
To: 'Discussion list for OpenIndiana'
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Broken pkg in ipkg z
Your solution seemed to work for me, but it fails during installation of a
package (amp) at the end.
(my zone is called "testzone" )
Jul 5 09:12:16 testzone login: ROOT LOGIN /dev/console
Last login: Thu Jul 5 08:58:49 on console
OpenIndiana (powered by illumos)SunOS 5.11oi_151a4Ap
Same at my side.
Pkg search doesn't find anything within a zone I created today
-Original Message-
From: Sašo Kiselkov []
Sent: woensdag 4 juli 2012 23:38
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Broken pkg in ipkg zones since u
I must be blind or stupid and maybe both are be true.
But where the h do I find the MAC-address of my zone's IP-address?
OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list
So, now i finally understand how it works with the NIC naming ;-)
-Original Message-
From: James Carlson []
Sent: dinsdag 3 juli 2012 14:27
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Intel 82579V ethernet not recognized
My first guess is that you could try to change e1000g with bge.
Solaris has different approaches on naming a NIC, but I don't know how this
A nic could be named e1000g0 or bge0 or nge0 and it seems to depend on the
-Original Message-
From: Glenn Holmer [mailto:shad...@l
Where did you get the "modified BIOS" you mention?
-Original Message-
From: J. V. []
Sent: dinsdag 12 juni 2012 15:03
To: Jim Klimov
Cc: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Migrating root zpool from old disks to
new one. only on
I need some NAS in our network (effectively 4TB) and already received a
quote from DELL for a R320 with a Perc H310.
This seems to be a branded LSI LSISAS2008 but it needs modification before I
can use it with OpenIndiana.
Has anyone some suggestions (apart from do not use Dell) on the best
Sent: zondag 4 maart 2012 20:56
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [noob] smb via android
On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 4:50 PM, Open Indiana
> Hi,
> I'm sorry. I was thinking, that "android" would do ;-) It's a As
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [noob] smb via android
It would help if you mentioned the device, which version of android and what
app you wanted to use. Often, the issue is the app. Are you streaming video?
On Mar 4, 2012, at 8:05, "Open Indiana" wrote:
> I am a noob regarding
I am a noob regarding android, but I have a new android based tablet and
want to connect my tablet to my smb shares on Openindiana (Napp-it enabled).
I downloaded and tried several tool, but for some reason I can't get a
I can browse, share and manage the smb folders from every Window
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Solaris 11 11/11 Opensource part1 and
On 2/02/2012 9:45 p.m., Open Indiana wrote:
> "their pricing is just way out through the stratosphere..."
I could Licence Windows Server 2008 R2 X64 on my OI box f
"their pricing is just way out through the stratosphere..."
I have an X4140 and upgraded to Solaris 11 for 633,- per year. This
including hardware-support.
Compared with an upgrade to Windows datacenter (4000,- euro) and calculating
lifetime of the server it was a bargain.
Nevertheless, I think t
1-26 14:05, James Carlson wrote:
> Open Indiana wrote:
>> Please skip the whole ifconfig and plumb this or that discussion.
>> Virtualbox works on any interface that is "plumbed" since only then
>> the interface is visible in the menu.
> Oh, yuck. It shoul
eir para-virtual driver.)
On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 3:54 AM, Open Indiana
> Has anyone ever tried to run OpenIndiana as a VM under windows server
> 2008
> R2 datacenter?
> ___
> OpenIndiana-discuss ma
Please skip the whole ifconfig and plumb this or that discussion.
Virtualbox works on any interface that is "plumbed" since only then the
interface is visible in the menu. A working IP-adress is not necessary.
Please put your interfaces on manual IP-assignment and disable nwam.
Give an IP-address
Very strange. The X4140 had a 2356 Opteron on board. Maybe the chipsets
changed quite big with the new opterons?
-Original Message-
From: kishore kumar []
Sent: woensdag 25 januari 2012 17:33
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-disc
Has anyone ever tried to run OpenIndiana as a VM under windows server 2008
R2 datacenter?
OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list
he e1000g1 already, otherwise it would be impossible to ssh to
the server from the "outside world".
On 2012-01-23 11:40, Open Indiana wrote:
> Ok,
> So if I read it correct your virtual machine is playing an audio file
> and then the server stops responding. That co
irely sure what settings
for the NIC you are referring to.
On 2012-01-22 20:28, Open Indiana wrote:
> A very stupid answer, but have you looked at the bios and inspected
> the settings of the network devices and /or PCIx ? How is your bios
> setup (AHCI or raid or ??) ?
A very stupid answer, but have you looked at the bios and inspected the
settings of the network devices and /or PCIx ? How is your bios setup (AHCI
or raid or ??) ?
Do you see any error in the system logs?
To my opinion your system swallows in the datatransfers. Either on the
NIC<->montherboard s
-Original Message-
From: Heiko Wuest []
Sent: woensdag 18 januari 2012 9:53
Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] test
OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list
One small remark regarding napp-it, when you have 1 Harddisk then it is most
certainly completely occupied by the OI installation. To use napp-it you
need to add at least one new (empty) harddisk so it can claim it for
ZFS/Zpool. You could use a free slice on the first harddisk but I wouldn't
Which Webmin version do you use or did you install?
The 1.47 version that comes from the pkg installer has a missetting for the
servicefacility. Please search the list for svcs & webmin and my
If you have 1.47 running and try to update to 1.57 then you're back at
square 1. Because 1
There are several online descriptions on how to tune MySQL in combination
with ZFS. One thing you need to tune or look at is the blocksize of the ZFS
drive where the MySQL data is stored. As far as I can imagine you could also
tune the ZIL blocksize to see what that changes.
Some usefull links:
Whta do you mean?
If you disconnect a PS2 device on a running server it will never reconnect
without booting. That is at least what I found out more than once on all
kind of servers (windows2003/2008/solaris etc)
-Original Message-
From: Mark []
Sent: zondag 8 jan
So many pure SUN/Solaris/OpeninIndiana professionals and one rumour puts us
back to "The Sun" gossip. ;-)
OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list
What kind of hosting do you need or want?
Why should it run on OpenIndiana?
What specs do you need for the uplink?
You may private mail me if you like.
-Original Message-
From: Sriram Narayanan []
Sent: zaterdag 7 januari 2012 7:48
To: Discussion lis
I guess they mean the X86 version, since it runs 32 bit. The x64 version
runs on Intel and AMD.
-Original Message-
From: Gabriele Bulfon []
Sent: vrijdag 6 januari 2012 13:23
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Oracle Solaris on x86
g at the other end of the internet?
On 6 January 2012 11:37, Open Indiana wrote:
> I used for testing the solaris 11 ISO. It is 440MB.
> (sol-11--text-x86.iso)
> -Original Message-
> From: Jonathan Adams []
> Sent: vrijd
what is the 440Mb file that you've transferred? is it easily compressed?
On 6 January 2012 10:51, Open Indiana wrote:
> I have a rather stupid question i guess..
> The following is the case
> 1. I have a 100GB iscsi target created at my homeserver within
> Ope
I have a rather stupid question i guess..
The following is the case
1. I have a 100GB iscsi target created at my homeserver within OpeinIndiana
2. the zfs drive has lzo compression enabled
3. I have OpenVPN running on this homeserver
4. I have connected my laptop via OpenVPN to my homeserver
5. Tr
Here is a review i just found o none of our main IT sites in Holland:
-Original Message-
From: Jason Matthews []
Sent: donderdag 5 januari 2012 18:39
To: 'Discussion list for OpenIndiana'
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] A
I Guess the backplane makes the difference. But you don't need to search for
a RAID 10 or 6 card.
Just a CARD with good performance in RAID 0 would be sufficient
-Original Message-
From: Svavar Örn Eysteinsson []
Sent: donderdag 5 januari 2012 16:30
To: Discussion li
Make sure that you check the Solaris HCL since a lot of SAS controllers do
not function 100% under Solaris/OpenIndiana. This is also true for the 3Ware
If you look at the LSI website you can see if the card you want has Solaris
support/drivers. If it doesn't don't buy it. I have a serv
Before the takeover by Oracle Sun was cheaper than Dell, not at first sight
but if you checked everything part-by-part than Sun was at the end cheaper.
With Dell the biggest problem is their website and the way they present
prices. You start with a enormous offer of 512,- euro for a server and end
t: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Any HP Servers recommendation for
Openindiana (Capacity Server) ?
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 09:28, Open Indiana wrote:
> If money is not an issue ( you want to buy A-grade hardware) why not
> look at Oracle hardware in combination with Solaris 11. When you buy
> Oracle har
From: Open Indiana []
Sent: woensdag 4 januari 2012 9:35
To: 'Discussion list for OpenIndiana'
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Appalling disk performance for KVM
What you could have done was:
1. use Virtualbox for your virtual OS's
2. create a
What you could have done was:
1. use Virtualbox for your virtual OS's
2. create a minimal C: drive for the OS only
3. create 3 iscsi drives on OpenIndiana from a ZFS drive
4. import these drives as storage in your VM's
Apart from step 1 you could do it right now. I guess you will see improved
If money is not an issue ( you want to buy A-grade hardware) why not look at
Oracle hardware in combination with Solaris 11. When you buy Oracle hardware
you have full support on hard- and software in the first year.
I know I am walking on the edge right now, but when you have a budget there
is no
I have OpenVPN running from the commandline but would like to have it
managed by smf.
I don't know exactly how I managed to get it running since the "core" is
installed by pkg in /usr/sbin/openvpn and I used website to build openVPN
from source and in these dirs and subdirs are the config files loc
It's like sneezing in a dark-room, now Oracle can wait outside to see who
all catched the flue.
-Original Message-
From: Bill Sommerfeld []
Sent: maandag 19 december 2011 19:21
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] S
It might be an idea to look at They also struggle with
documentation, users, updates and helpfiles but manage to get it good pretty
OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list
This is very bad news. All our servers have a dual-boot system partition so
we can choose between IIS and apache every time we reboot..
Imho hardware is having such great performance that within a couple of
months, maybe 2 years, all desktops (but maybe tablets and phones too) will
From: "Dave Koelmeyer"
To: "Open Indiana Discussion List"
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2011 7:51:19 AM
Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox 3.1.8 / bridged networking on
oi_148 x86 host
Hi All,
I have a couple of VMs I keep hanging around which use VirtualBox
For as far as I know you need to check the solaris 10 HCL list before you
buy any (e)SATA card. And for what I know the Supermicro SATA (RAID) cards
have a chip that works with solaris 10.
-Original Message-
From: Dan Swartzendruber []
Sent: zondag 29 mei 2011 17:
Just a little insight on the behavior of human race that i experienced at
I had a laptop with Windows XP Home with Office XP that crashed at one day.
I had used the installer partition for something else, so I installed
OpenSolaris instead.
My family (wife and kids) cried several days that
I haven't ever understood the term "SUDO". They told me it stands for "Super
User DO", but if I searched the usergroups and usernames on the OS there was
no SUPERUSER to find anywhere.
There is basically only 1 admin or root account that can and may control the
whole OS. The way the admin is trea
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