Title: Eric CAUDAL
We too are looking for it.
On Wednesday 14 August 2013 08:56 AM, Eric Caudal wrote:
I am looking for advices about POS hardware that runs smoothly
with OpenERP and/or that already have
Elementary my dear Watson,
After selecting "Propose for merging" on the new branch, change the
branch choosing "other" and using "ocb-addons/6.1"
Backport is now completed and waiting for review...
Thanks Pedro !!
On 08/16/2013 10:46 AM, Pedro Manuel Baeza Romero wrote:
Hi, Mario
Hi, Mario, indeed Launchpad has serious limitations in some areas, but
there are some tricks made to avoid these issues. Here you have how to copy
an existing merge proposal to ocb branches:
And this is the original proposal for OCB branches, whe
I definitely prefer to code a hundred modules instead of working with
launchpad... but things have to be done, so...
I just completed a bug report for OCB-Addons v6.1, about a problem with
purchases and anglo saxon accounting.
This was fixed on trunk, and I backported it to v6.1, but I ca
If you are interested on giving more visibility to all modules and having a
nice place where everyone can show modules functionality, with links,
screenshots and so on... We are building a module that extends
It will allow building even a complete site around a module or set of
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