On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 6:01 PM, Saul Wold wrote:
> On 01/06/2012 04:20 PM, Andrea Adami wrote:
>> * from meta-oe (originally from org.openembedded.dev)
>> * There are no reasons to install kdump when only kexec is needed.
>> *
>> * In oe-core/meta there are no references to kexec-tools so
>> *
On 01/06/2012 04:20 PM, Andrea Adami wrote:
* from meta-oe (originally from org.openembedded.dev)
* There are no reasons to install kdump when only kexec is needed.
* In oe-core/meta there are no references to kexec-tools so
* the recipes inn external layers rdepending on kexec-tools should be
* from meta-oe (originally from org.openembedded.dev)
* There are no reasons to install kdump when only kexec is needed.
* In oe-core/meta there are no references to kexec-tools so
* the recipes inn external layers rdepending on kexec-tools should be
* fixed and rdepend on kexec and/or kdump.