On 2011年07月21日 16:58, Koen Kooi wrote:
Op 21 jul. 2011, om 10:00 heeft Kang Kai het volgende geschreven:
From: Kang Kai
add shadow-update-pam-conf.patch to update the pam related configure files
in Yocto way rather than Fedora.
I'm not entirely sure, but do the updated conf files need somethi
Op 21 jul. 2011, om 10:00 heeft Kang Kai het volgende geschreven:
> From: Kang Kai
> add shadow-update-pam-conf.patch to update the pam related configure files
> in Yocto way rather than Fedora.
I'm not entirely sure, but do the updated conf files need something like
From: Kang Kai
add shadow-update-pam-conf.patch to update the pam related configure files
in Yocto way rather than Fedora.
Signed-off-by: Kang Kai
.../shadow/files/shadow-update-pam-conf.patch | 175
meta/recipes-extended/shadow/shadow_4.1.4.3.bb |5 +-