Signed-off-by: Khem Raj
meta/recipes-devtools/rust/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/rust/
index 5b94e22f7b..396f741953 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-de
It should not matter what xz/zstd parallelism and resource usage is set to
when determining hash signatures. This allows sharing more sstate across
host machines with different CPU configurations.
Signed-off-by: Wes Lindauer
meta/conf/bitbake.conf | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 de
On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 6:10 AM Alexander Kanavin
> This script can be used directly from poky, or can be copied directly into
> a
> layer or any other repository - it is self-suffucient and requires only
> python3
> and git on the host where it will run. It is also copied by the
> bitbake
The following changes since commit ac6ea1a96645d2a4dd54660256603f0b191bb4d3:
gstreamer1.0: use the correct meson option for the capabilities (2022-08-10
05:04:10 -1000)
are available in the Git repository at:
git:// stable/dunfell-next
On 8/17/22 09:10, Alexander Kanavin wrote:
This script can be used directly from poky, or can be copied directly into a
Does this work if you are not using poky?
layer or any other repository - it is self-suffucient and requires only python3
and git on the host where it will run. It i
Branch: kirkstone
New this week: 13 CVEs
CVE-2018-25032 (CVSS3: 7.5 HIGH): python3:python3-native *
CVE-2022-2816 (CVSS3: 7.8 HIGH): vim *
CVE-2022-2817 (CVSS3: 7.8 HIGH
Branch: dunfell
New this week: 24 CVEs
CVE-2022-1705 (CVSS3: 6.5 MEDIUM): go:go-native *
CVE-2022-1962 (CVSS3: 5.5 MEDIUM): go:go-native *
CVE-2022-28131 (CVSS3: 7.5 HIGH
Branch: master
New this week: 11 CVEs
CVE-2022-2816 (CVSS3: 7.8 HIGH): vim *
CVE-2022-2817 (CVSS3: 7.8 HIGH): vim *
CVE-2022-2819 (CVSS3: 7.8 HIGH): vim