[Open Babel] Fragment indexing and generation

2011-03-18 Thread andi
/Cheminf101/search.html#what-is-indexing Thanks, Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Fragment-indexing-and-generation-tp3385311p3385311.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com

Re: [Open Babel] Fragment indexing and generation

2011-03-19 Thread andi
Thanks Noel, I'll take a look at that code. -Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Fragment-indexing-and-generation-tp3385311p3389824.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at Nabbl

[Open Babel] Isomorphism between cyclo-pentane and pentane

2011-03-19 Thread andi
g, 6 and 7 are double and triple bonds respectively in a ring structures. Is this correct? Thanks, -Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Isomorphism-between-cyclo-pentane-and-pentane-tp3389855p3389855.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at

Re: [Open Babel] Isomorphism between cyclo-pentane and pentane

2011-03-19 Thread andi
I see, I'm pretty close to getting it to work, but I'm having a little trouble with the CompileMoleculeQuery as I'm still learning C++. Instead of inserting code, i've inserted a screenshot, this way it's much readable... Thanks, Andi I'm not sure if the Compil

Re: [Open Babel] Isomorphism between cyclo-pentane and pentane

2011-03-19 Thread andi
some reason I am getting a duplicate symbol error, and not sure why since QueryAtom is the only class this method is defined -Andi This is just a reference of the earlier code http://pastebin.com/k6Gy0zY7 http://pastebin.com/k6Gy0zY7 -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org

Re: [Open Babel] Isomorphism between cyclo-pentane and pentane

2011-03-19 Thread andi
file simply takes const OBBitVec &mask type. Passing an integer in this case, would that suffice? Thanks again, Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Isomorphism-between-cyclo-pentane-and-pentane-tp3389855p3390391.html Sent from the General discussion mai

Re: [Open Babel] Isomorphism between cyclo-pentane and pentane

2011-03-19 Thread andi
idea what might be causing this? -Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Isomorphism-between-cyclo-pentane-and-pentane-tp3389855p3390410.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list archiv

Re: [Open Babel] Isomorphism between cyclo-pentane and pentane

2011-03-20 Thread andi
. Is it possible to add extra conditions to check their bonds first, then the atoms? -Andi I've included the two molecules for visualization purposes http://forums.openbabel.org/file/n3391174/1-0.png http://forums.openbabel.org/file/n3391174/1-1.png -- View this message in context:

Re: [Open Babel] Isomorphism between cyclo-pentane and pentane

2011-03-20 Thread andi
yAtom and OBQueryBond for some reason it's still not finding a match between the two molecules and I can't really see where the problem may be. The two molecules are located above this reply and i've included the code at this link. http://pastebin.com/y877Vivb Thanks in advance,

Re: [Open Babel] Isomorphism between cyclo-pentane and pentane

2011-03-20 Thread andi
Never mind everyone, figured it out. Sorry about the trouble. Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Isomorphism-between-cyclo-pentane-and-pentane-tp3389855p3392737.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com

Re: [Open Babel] Fragment indexing and generation

2011-03-23 Thread andi
Hey Craig, the fragments that I need are indeed for similarity. Any thoughts? -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Fragment-indexing-and-generation-tp3385311p3399439.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ---

[Open Babel] IsomorphismMapper

2011-03-23 Thread andi
: OBIsomorphismMapper* mapper = OBIsomorphismMapper::GetInstance(query); OBIsomorphismMapper::Mapping map; mapper->MapFirst(ethane, map); Thanks, Andi ethane http://forums.openbabel.org/file/n3400206/1-0.png pentane http://forums.openbabel.org/file/n3400206/1-9.png -- View this message

Re: [Open Babel] IsomorphismMapper

2011-03-23 Thread andi
Ahh I see. So to make sure I understand this correctly, the number of bits masked, is the number of atoms for possible consideration for the matching. Is this a correct interpretation? Thanks a lot Tim. Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/IsomorphismMapper

Re: [Open Babel] IsomorphismMapper

2011-03-23 Thread andi
erent combinations of that particular size. (i.e if i wanted to match just 3 atoms out of 5, then there would be 3 choose 5 combination variations with only three atomsso there would 8 possible combinations) Thanks again for your clarification, Andi -- View this message in context:

[Open Babel] Memory Usage

2011-03-25 Thread andi
int nodeIndex; Node* node; //Node reference Node int nodeID; NSString* nodeLabel; int type; BOOL marked; NSMutableArray* AdjEdges; Thanks, Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Me

[Open Babel] Setting Aromaticity

2011-03-29 Thread andi
it not be considered aromatic any longer? Thanks, Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Setting-Aromaticity-tp3416960p3416960.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at

[Open Babel] Atomic Type

2011-03-30 Thread andi
i can make some sense to what they represent, but no luck. Thanks, Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Atomic-Type-tp3419654p3419654.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com

Re: [Open Babel] Setting Aromaticity

2011-04-18 Thread andi
>If you're adding atoms and bonds programmatically, you should wrap the modifications with: >mol.BeginModify(); >// make changes >mol.EndModify(); >The EndModify() call will reset aromatic perception. Hi Geoff, I tried doing that, but still doesn't seem to work. The only thing I can think of that

Re: [Open Babel] Setting Aromaticity

2011-04-19 Thread andi
b->SetBondOrder(1); else if( b->GetBondOrder() == 11) b->SetBondOrder(2); else if ( b->GetBondOrder() == 12 ) b->SetBondOrder(3); } mols[0]->EndModify(); Is this not a correct way to do the begin and end modify function call? Thanks,

[Open Babel] Custom atom type

2011-09-15 Thread andi
? The way I'm handling the problem now is by using an atom type that is not possible to be in my molecules. I know it's not the best solution but hope some of you can shine some light into this. Thanks, Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Custom

[Open Babel] Subgraph isomorphism

2012-02-20 Thread andi
I'm getting a match in the ring. http://forums.openbabel.org/file/n4404825/molecule.png http://forums.openbabel.org/file/n4404825/fragment.png Is this correct? Thanks, Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Subgraph-isomorphism-tp4404825p4404825.html Sent fro

Re: [Open Babel] Subgraph isomorphism

2012-02-21 Thread andi
>Yes, you should get all unique matches there are. The query doesn't specify that the bond should be in a ring or not. Yup, you're absolutely correct. What I did is subclass the OBQueryAtom/OBQueryBond to get custom behavior -Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.

[Open Babel] File format

2012-07-09 Thread andi
that explains the file format. http://forums.openbabel.org/file/n4655246/manual.pdf manual.pdf Thanks, Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/File-format-tp4655246.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at Nabbl

Re: [Open Babel] File format

2012-07-11 Thread andi
already build in functionality). Thanks, Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/File-format-tp4655246p4655253.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com. --

Re: [Open Babel] File format

2012-07-11 Thread andi
Great, thanks everyone for all your insights. -Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/File-format-tp4655246p4655256.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com

[Open Babel] Atom neighboring bonds

2013-01-27 Thread andi
mage you'll see two simple examples. <http://forums.openbabel.org/file/n4655904/example.png> Can anyone see if I am doing something wrong or why is able to find the one method but not the other. Greatly appreciated! -Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/At

[Open Babel] Find Mol atom with attribute

2013-02-02 Thread andi
t the wrong way? Much appreciated, -Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Find-Mol-atom-with-attribute-tp4655912.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com. --

Re: [Open Babel] Find Mol atom with attribute

2013-02-02 Thread andi
this? Thanks, -Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Find-Mol-atom-with-attribute-tp4655912p4655914.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com. -- Everyone hates

Re: [Open Babel] Find Mol atom with attribute

2013-02-02 Thread andi
sing the mol and atom classes and overriding the operator+() and clone() methods respectively in each of the classes. Thanks, -Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Find-Mol-atom-with-attribute-tp4655912p4655916.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list arc

[Open Babel] Bond generic data

2013-02-07 Thread andi
ed to if someone could point out a different route. my solution: <http://forums.openbabel.org/file/n4655930/mysolution.png> Much appreciated, -Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Bond-generic-data-tp4655930.html Sent from the General discuss

[Open Babel] Accessing newly added atoms/bonds when combining two molecules

2013-02-09 Thread andi
. } / I think this assumes the order of atoms in the vector corresponding with their indices. Is this a safe assumption for future? Much appreciated, -Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Accessing-newly-added-atoms-bonds-when-combining-two-molecules-tp4655937

[Open Babel] Molecule matching via OBIsomorphismMapper

2013-04-17 Thread andi
attached file), I get a match, but looking at the two files, I don't see how it could be. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance. -Andi Images: progenitor.pdf <http://forums.openbabel.org/file/n4656194/progenitor.pdf> 10633.pdf <http://forums.openbabel.org/file/n4656194/10633.pdf&

Re: [Open Babel] Molecule matching via OBIsomorphismMapper

2013-04-17 Thread andi
2.3.2? Thanks, Andi -- View this message in context: http://forums.openbabel.org/Molecule-matching-via-OBIsomorphismMapper-tp4656194p4656195.html Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com

[Open Babel] Open Babel Forum

2011-04-03 Thread Dhroso, Andi (MU-Student)
Hi all, Did the forums address changed in the last couple of days? This site looks like it's no longer valid: forums.­openbabel.­org<http://forums.openbabel.org/> Thanks, Andi <http://forums.openbabel.org/>

Re: [Open Babel] Atom neighboring bonds

2013-01-28 Thread Dhroso, Andi (MU-Student)
causes the linking error. If the compiler setting is switched to the setting "Compiler Default or Gnu C++ standard library", both of these options will build correctly. If one is build a project from the command line, clang++ with -std=c++11 option is sufficient…it knows how to find -s