Dear all,
I am trying to look for certain molecules in the sdf/fs database containing
certain fragments as substructure. The problem is my fragments can be small (I
am running a script to do multiple searches), so I can get "too many candidates
in the fingerprint search phase". The simple solut
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Open Babel] dbase filtering, then substructure search (in that
On 20/11/2012 08:03, Visvaldas K. wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to look for certain molecules in the sdf/fs database
How to add hydrogens without readjusting existing ones? Some programs like
AutoDock only have nonpolar hydrogens. If add also nonpolar hydrogens to the
docked conformation, the existing polar hydrogens seem to be readjusted by
openbabel. This is not good if I want to retain hydrogen bonds disco