Out of curiosity how are you planning to do the conformational search? Most
tools I'm aware of would be expected to treat double bonds appropriately
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Conversion SMILES to XYZ (Volker Settels)
> ---
I see that obabel has a number of built-in descriptors (obabel -L
descriptors). Is it possible to pass in a structure file and get the
descriptor information?
For example, I have conf.xyz and I would like the number of bonds, is it
possible to do something like:
obabel conf.xyz --descrip
Is it possible to pass in a list of 3D conformers (xyz, mol2,...) and
remove structures that are within a specified RMSD?
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Sure, see the docs on --append:
obabel mymol.xyz -otxt --append "MW bonds"
...this will give the molecular weights and the number of bonds.
On 14 September 2017 at 14:46, MD Simulation
> Hello,
> I see that obabel has a number of built-in descriptors (obabel -L
> descriptors). Is it
I don't think so, but that functionality could be added if desired, as it's
currently used by Confab. We have an issue tracker for feature requests
over at https://github.com/openbabel/openbabel/issues
On 14 September 2017 at 14:47, MD Simulation
> Hello,
> Is it possible to pass in a l