I compiled the openbabel java bindings on "linux 64 bit" resulting in an
libopenbabel_java.so file. I did this through cmake like this:
cmake ../openbabel-2.3.2 -DJAVA_BINDINGS=ON
Next, I checked
is it possible with Babel to re-order an sdf file based off of a data field
I have an sdf file with a docking score data filed.
i was looking at the --sort command but as far as i can tell it only sorts
based off of descriptors.
On 08/04/2013 15:14, Kareem Khoury wrote:
> is it possible with Babel to re-order an sdf file based off of a data field
> I have an sdf file with a docking score data filed.
> i was looking at the --sort command but as far as i can tell it only
> sorts based off of descriptors.
You are right t