I often end up editing files using a text editor because they contain features
that are not compatible with other programs. In particular removing salts
and/or solvents and expanding fragment labels e.g TMS, t-butyl etc.
Would it be possible to do this within openbabel, perhaps an "obtidy"
A while back, Tim, you kindly introduced some Python bindings to set bond
stereochemistry. I tried to compile openbabel from SVN afterwards, but didn't
succeed, and let it lie for a while.
I've now re-attempted compilation after updating svn (trunk) using cmake
version 2.6-patch 4, gcc 4.1
Lucifox is a free (as in freedom) EPUB reader addon for Firefox,
currently supporting OPDS for distribution, SVG and in the upcoming
version - MathML - both in EPUB 3 and 2 formatted ebooks.
What would be the best free software approach to extend Lucifox to
display molecules and what not in
Probably a javascript molecular viewer.
On 22 October 2012 09:04, Haakon Meland Eriksen wrote:
> Lucifox is a free (as in freedom) EPUB reader addon for Firefox,
> currently supporting OPDS for distribution, SVG and in the upcoming
> version - MathML - both in EPUB 3 and 2 formatted ebooks.
Am 24.10.2012 16:57, schrieb Noel O'Boyle:
This? http://web.chemdoodle.com/tutorial/2d-structure-canvases/viewer-canvas
> Probably a javascript molecular viewer.
> On 22 October 2012 09:04, Haakon Meland Eriksen wrote:
>> Lucifox is a free (as in freedom) EPUB reader addon for Firefox,
>> cur
Yes, which one?
Noel O'Boyle wrote:
>Probably a javascript molecular viewer.
>On 22 October 2012 09:04, Haakon Meland Eriksen
>> Lucifox is a free (as in freedom) EPUB reader addon for Firefox,
>> currently supporting OPDS for distribution, SVG and in the upcoming
>> version - MathML