The code instantiates a Conversion object before searching for
Fingerprint types. Adding an extra OBConversion instantiation did not
change anything.
I have also used 'strace' to follow the problem and I did not find any
error (the openbabel libraries are correctly loaded).
Any hints on how
On Nov 17, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Andrew Dalke wrote:
> # In Open Babel 2.3.0, OBConversion() must be called before trying to
> # find any plugin. This was not needed in earlier releases.
> ob.OBConversion()
There's a patch under discussion that would eliminate this for 2.4. Basically,
we switched f
Hi Jérôme,
> It seems that the fingerprints are not loading like before.
I had a similar problem with OB 2.3 support in chemfp. Here's
the comment from the code:
# In Open Babel 2.3.0, OBConversion() must be called before trying to
# find any plugin. This was not needed in earlier releases.