> Seems like the debugger is looking for files located on ghutchis's computer.
> How do I create and link the .o files myself? Do I need to make modifications
> to CMakeLists.txt file?
Are you trying to link against the binary install of libopenbabel.dylib? If so,
it's built for "-g -O2" flags.
Sorry again for the incessant emails - I just realized that some working
programs can be debugged even if .o files are missing. I was just entering
the commands wrong:
I can pass args to the gdb like this:
SYSTEM-PROCESSx32:bin Eric$ gdb --args obenergy -ff GAFF
Oops, I spoke too soon. Turns out that obenergy.cpp prints its promo
message correctly but I think I need to compile all of the .o object files
that get linked into obenergy as debuggable as well. I'm not sure how to
re-link the .o files though, because I get lots of errors like these:
warning: Co
I haven't been able to get the XCode generator to work, but what I found is
that if I follow the standard build instructions using cmake:
mv openbabel-2.3.0 ob-src
mkdir ob-build
cd ob-build
cmake ../ob-src 2>&1 | tee cmake.out
make 2>&1 | tee make.out
I find that the executables are debu
Well, it's supposed to work. :-/ It's either a CMake bug, or a problem
with our setup somehow. If you go through the generated xcodeproj
file, you might be able to figure it out the origin of the problem.
Otherwise, my only advice is to make sure you use the latest version
of CMake - perhaps there
-- Forwarded message --
From: Eric Jang
Date: Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Open Babel] debug openbabel
To: Noel O'Boyle
I ran cmake -G Xcode ../openbabel-2.3.1 and it produced the xcodeproj file.
However when I try to open the file, it says that XCode cannot open b