Hi Noel,
I tried to minimize ligands using obminimize when using earlier versions of
obminimize after converged the output file will be redirected to a pdb file
format. But when I tried using obminimize of openbabel version 2.4.0 even
after convergence it performs minimization till the completion
Hi all,
I had recently installed obabel-2.4.0 and trying to generate conformer for a
molecule. The --conformer flag when I used didn't generate any conformations
and produced single molecule file.
obabel test.mol2 -O ga_conf.mol2 --conformer --nconf 10 --writeconformers
1 molecule converted
Dear open babel community
I used MOPAC to minimize the ligand and obtain the output in PDB format with
atomic charges. When I converted the PDB file to mol2 using babel the atomic
charges were found to be modified. Can anyone help me to preserve the
charges during conversion or any other mode of w