Re: [Open Babel] OpenCL

2012-07-12 Thread ovalerio
Hi Chris, On 12.07.2012 13:16, Geoff Hutchison wrote: I've just seen a demo of the impact of running applications on the GPU and it does seem for some operations you can get striking performance gains. Would it be worth considering porting openbabel to OpenCL? Much like muti-threading, it's

Re: [Open Babel] Anyone using the parallel implementation of MMFF94 forcefield (via OpenMP)

2012-06-21 Thread ovalerio
Geoff & Reinis, Thank you both for taking the time to discuss and implement this the best way possible. I am in a steep learning curve here but with your help I will catch up soon. Noel has asked me to move further discussion on this topic to the developers list. On 20.06.2012 22:00, Geoffrey

Re: [Open Babel] Anyone using the parallel implementation of MMFF94 forcefield (via OpenMP)

2012-06-20 Thread ovalerio
On 20.06.2012 11:05, Tim Vandermeersch wrote: > On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Noel O'Boyle > wrote: > run two instances of OBForceFieldMMFF94 are being created. I > would > like > to understand why is that, because I thought only one was > necessary > and > there

[Open Babel] CDash system (Opti755.Noel) not loading force fields data.

2012-06-20 Thread ovalerio
Hi Noel, There is one of the systems in the testbed which is apparently unable to find the datafiles for the OpenBabel MMFF94 forcefields test and it is giving us a false positive (saying it pass the test when in fact it didn't run it) Test: ffmmff94_Test (Passed) Build: Win7 MSVC++ 2008 Expre

Re: [Open Babel] Anyone using the parallel implementation of MMFF94 forcefield (via OpenMP)

2012-06-20 Thread ovalerio
Hi Geoff, On 19.06.2012 18:57, Geoffrey Hutchison wrote: >> I followed your advise. After editing the CMakeCache.txt and adding >> the >> compiler flags OpenMP is working for me. However, I would like to >> avoid >> this additional step by adding some conditional compilation lines to >> the >>

Re: [Open Babel] Anyone using the parallel implementation of MMFF94 forcefield (via OpenMP)

2012-06-19 Thread ovalerio
with a fresh development version of OpenBabel and it seems to be working. I tried both having a setup with GOMP libraries installed and one without. I also run the ctest for MMFF94 just to be sure everything was working. ovalerio@gpu0:/hpcws/obeclipse$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS = 1 bash: export: `=&#x

[Open Babel] OpenBabel compilation/use with OpenMP

2012-06-09 Thread ovalerio
Hi list, In a previous version of OpenBabel (OpenBabel-2.2) it was possible to instruct the build to make use of OpenMP to parallelize the forcefields routines in OpenBabel. The way it was done was using compiler flags read by the configure command inside babel source directory: $tar zxvf ope

[Open Babel] Anyone using the parallel implementation of MMFF94 forcefield (via OpenMP)

2012-06-09 Thread ovalerio
Hi list, In the ChangeLog I found Tim wrote about the GCC compilation options to be used in order to enable MMFF94 parallelization. His entry reads as follows. 2008-04-28 Tim Vandermeersch * src/forcefields/forcefieldmmff94.cpp: OpenMP version of MMFF94. Does not affect norma