Thanks for the quick reply.
Actually my question is about comparing two molecules using their inchi
For example, to compare to sdf files you'd use:
babel file1.sdf file2.sdf -ok
but if you have two inghi strings, how would you do that?
hope my question is clear .
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Dear all,
this must be very basic, but how do you use openbabel from command line to
compare 2 InChI strings?
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What about when it says they have different double bond stereochemistry?
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Dear all,
I'm using openbabel to compare 2 molfiles. It tells me that the 2 molfiles
has different sp3 stereochemistry.
When I display the molfiles, they look exactly the same.
I have 2 questions:
1- Can 2 molecules with different sp3 stereochemistry be similar (how
significant is it for a chemist)