Dear all,
I see that when I convert the attached file from sdf to pdb or pdbqt,
Obabel guesses a few atoms as ALA (could be an amino acid Alanine) and
changes its atom name to ALA.
Does anyone know any possible cause and how to avoid this?
I am posting this again as I didn't get an answer for this
Dear all,
I see that when I convert a file from sdf to pdb or pdbqt. Obabel guesses a
few atoms as ALA (could be an amino acid Alanine).
Does anyone know any possible cause?
Attached are the files.
Description: Binary data
Description: Protein Databank
Hi everyone,
How to calculate the net charge of a molecule in openbabel?
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Here are the files.
I see that when I convert the file from sdf to pdb or pdbqt. Obabel guesses
a few atoms as ALA (could be an amino acid Alanine).
Do you know any possible cause?
On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 10:51 AM, Geoffrey Hutchison <> wrote:
> > I us
Hi everyone,
What is the best way to convert pdbqt to pdb?
I used openbabel to do this. It worked mostly fine but with a few
compounds, specially with the ones have protonated Nitrogen, gets destroyed.
e of thumb here? Do you recommend any means to check
the correctness of aromaticity after the conversion?
On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 7:18 AM, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
> HI Jubilant,
> The development version has rewritten handling of aromaticity, and as this
> will be t
Hi Openbabel users,
I have a following warnings while trying to convert a set pdbs to sdf or
smi. Can someone give an insight on it?
obabel pdb/*.pdb -O test.sdf
*** Open Babel Warning in parseAtomRecord
WARNING: Problems reading a PDB file
Problems reading a H
Hi all,
I was looking for a documentation for how openbabel works on detecting
aromaticity and what is the flag to choose while converting molecules. Does
obabel detect and fix aromaticity by default? If yes, what are the default
options and what other options are available?
Please, direct me to
How can I save/redirect the printed errors in/to a file in obabel?
Following did not work
obabel *.smi -O *.sdf > out.log
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engaging t
Hi David,
9782 is not the 9782th molecule in the file.
I also will have to loop through sdf for various other numbers. I asked
this as an example.
On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 7:13 PM, David Hall wrote:
> Assuming you want the 9782’th molecule in the file, using the -f and
I was trying to extract a single molecule from a multimolecular sdf.
I used the following but it didn't work.
obabel ../input/in-3D.sdf -O 9782.sdf --filter "title='9782'"
Let me how can I do this.
Hi David and Geoff,
I ran the calculation again to reproduce the problem and realized that it
was my computer's memory that caused the program to abort not converting
all the compounds.
This time it converted all compounds. So no worries there. I still got
several following warnings though.
"*** O
Hi Chris,
Worked like a charm. Thanks a lot.
But I couldn't find a documentation for --split
All I see is --splitinto docs.
On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 4:08 AM, Chris Morley wrote:
> On 25/10/2017 07:55, Sundar wrote:
> Can anyone help me convert a single input (multi
Can anyone help me convert a single input (multimolecular) sdf file into
multiple pdb files with the molecule names (as seen in the sdf file) as
their file names instead of consecutively numbered file names?
step i.e. converting
multimolecular pdb to sdf?
On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 8:01 PM, Sundar Jubilant
> Thanks. I will try that.
> Sundar Thangapandian
> > On Oct 19, 2017, at 6:40 PM, Geoffrey Hutchison <
>> wrote:
Thanks. I will try that.
Sundar Thangapandian
> On Oct 19, 2017, at 6:40 PM, Geoffrey Hutchison
> wrote:
> The obminimize program does not have all the features of the obabel command.
> You can naturally convert a PDB file to SDF:
> obabel file.pdb -O
I found the respective section and it worked all well.
> On Oct 16, 2017, at 2:02 PM, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
>> On 10/16/2017 01:50 PM, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
>> Have you read the section in the docs that describes how to do that?
> I suspect the issue that if gcc and all req
I would like to build openbabel in a local folder on a linux machine. I
don't have root access to this machine.
Help me out with it.
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
Sundar Thangapandian
> On Oct 13, 2017, at 3:08 PM, David Hall wrote:
> I assume your second command is actually using output2D.sdf as input?
> -David
>> On Oct 13, 2017, at 3:46 PM, Sundar wrote:
>> Sure.
>> Here it goes.
Here it goes.
obabel input.smi -h -r -b -c --unique --gen2d --partialcharge mmff94 -O
obabel output3D.sdf --gen3d -O output3D.sdf
output2D.sdf contains 7581 compounds exactly as in input.smi but
output3D.sdf only has 881 compounds.
On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 2
obminimize outputs only in pdb format.
I tried -osdf filename.sdf and it didn't work. How can I get it in sdf
Or how can I convert multimolecule pdb file to an sdf file?
Check ou
duplicates. My guess is that you have only
> 800 unique compounds.
> Regards,
> - Noel
> On 13 October 2017 at 11:58, Sundar wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am pretty new to OB. I am trying to convert a database of compounds
>> (~7000) from smile
Hi everyone,
I am pretty new to OB. I am trying to convert a database of compounds
(~7000) from smiles to 3D.
I first converted them into 2D using -h -r --unique -b -c --partialcharge
followed by --gen3d.
It only converted ~800 compounds saying nothing about other conformers.
Any idea it be
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