Thank you very much.
I need to calculate something which is similar to tanimoto and I can
calculate with your answer.
REALLY Thank you for your help!
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cov
I guessed "" has tanimoto formula and calculates it, but I
cannot see inside of "".
Can I get the code of tanimoto calculate function?
>From that... I want to calculate substructure coefficient.
I'll be thank full for your help and kindness ;)
I need to calculate substructure coefficient with pybel & python.
But I cannot find the method to get substructure coefficient in pybel API.
So I tried to calculate by formula but the number of bits in fingerprint
are different each other.
I use this formula.. Substructure = Nab / Na
How can I
Solve problem!
This problem didn't relate with openbabel setting.
I wonder if someone have a trouble like this, I wrote how to solve this
At first... Do this on command line
# vi /etc/
And add this line in
And the final step, adapting change.
# /sbin/
Thanks for your advice.
I checked web server error log and I found this message.
[error] [client] ImportError: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory, referer: --.html
So I tried to fix this error and I found this error related with
I call python file by using ajax (html file) with sending a data.
And in that python file, when I typed "import openbabel" then it didn't
However when I typed "import openbabel" in python command line or run a
python file with openbabel, it didn't call error.
It works very well.
Only callin
I installed Openbabel on Fedora with Python.
And also I followed
But I got some errors at here.
$ cmake ../openbabel-2.3.1 -DPYTHON_BINDINGS=ON*$ make <- Here.*# make
install$ export
Extract openbabel.tar.gz and make folder 'build'.
and do cmake... And after that, I got some errors while process 'make'.
Like below.
[root@ build]# make
[ 20%] Built target openbabel
[ 22%] Built target plugin_charges
[ 24%] Built target plugin_descriptors
[ 25%] Built target plugin_fingerpr