[Open Babel] obabel: Converting sdf with multi-line properties

2013-07-15 Thread Jeff Janes
I have an sdf file which has a property that is sometimes multiple lines. When I try to output that property in the title, something very strange happens. The title for the first molecule with a multi-lined property gets memorized, and then that title gets output for all subsequent molecules whic

Re: [Open Babel] Segfault when merging molecules through python API

2013-07-15 Thread Fred Ludlow
I had a bit more of a dig, the short version is "use the workaround in my original post", but for those that are interested there are two parts to this: Firstly, SWIG proxies have a "thisown" attribute. http://www.swig.org/Doc1.3/Python.html#Python_nn30 For example: mol = pybel.readstring("smi",