Ubuntu 12.10 (64-bit).
If I'm compiling the release without swig, then I don't get any python
View this message in context:
Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> Performing Test SCANDIR_NEEDS_CONST - Failed
> -- Performing Test HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY
There were no problems with compilation. Cmake is trying to figure out your
system. The message should probably say "Not needed" but the compile went fine;
> [ 99%] Building CXX object test/CMakeFiles/test_u
You shouldn't need Swig yourself if you are using the release, only if
compiling from the SVN repo... What version of Ubuntu?
- Noel
On 25 November 2012 08:56, elikbelik wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to build openbabel 2.3.2 on ubunto with python bindings.
> I tried using swig2.0.7 and swig1.3.40, b
Here is a list of abbreviations I have compiled over the years.
Ac, Ace, Acetate, Acetyl, Acyl
AcAc acetoacetyl
ACN = acetonitrile
Ad = 1-adamantyl
Alloc, AOC = allyoxycarbonyl
All, Allyl
Bam = benzamidomethyl
BDMS = biphenyldimethylsilyl
BOC, Boc, t-boc = t-butoxycarbonyl
BOM = benzyloxymet
I'm trying to build openbabel 2.3.2 on ubunto with python bindings.
I tried using swig2.0.7 and swig1.3.40, but keep on getting the following
Linking CXX shared module ../lib/_openbabel.so
CMakeFiles/bindings_python.dir/python/openbabel-python.cpp.o: In function