[Open Babel] bond stretch constant

2011-12-10 Thread Eric Jang
hello, I am using the obenergy program and GAFF force field to compute the potential energy of some molecule, according to the following program example: obenergy -ff GAFF /Users/Eric/Desktop/ExampleMolecules/GAFF-test-set/21208702.mol according to forcefieldgaff.cpp, the energy is given by the s

Re: [Open Babel] Fwd: debug openbabel

2011-12-10 Thread Eric Jang
Sorry again for the incessant emails - I just realized that some working programs can be debugged even if .o files are missing. I was just entering the commands wrong: I can pass args to the gdb like this: SYSTEM-PROCESSx32:bin Eric$ gdb --args obenergy -ff GAFF /Users/Eric/Desktop/ExampleMolecul

Re: [Open Babel] Fwd: debug openbabel

2011-12-10 Thread Eric Jang
Oops, I spoke too soon. Turns out that obenergy.cpp prints its promo message correctly but I think I need to compile all of the .o object files that get linked into obenergy as debuggable as well. I'm not sure how to re-link the .o files though, because I get lots of errors like these: warning: Co

Re: [Open Babel] Fwd: debug openbabel

2011-12-10 Thread Eric Jang
Hello, I haven't been able to get the XCode generator to work, but what I found is that if I follow the standard build instructions using cmake: mv openbabel-2.3.0 ob-src mkdir ob-build cd ob-build cmake ../ob-src 2>&1 | tee cmake.out make 2>&1 | tee make.out I find that the executables are debu

[Open Babel] Multiple Input File search

2011-12-10 Thread Jochen Schreiber
Hello, i try to execute this command on my joined.sdf File: babel joined.sdf babelout.sdf -s"CNNNCNCNC" -at0.8 but this won't work. Every time i get only 1 molecule in my output but this can't be. I create the joined.sdf as follows: cat *.sdf > joined.txt and then mv joined.txt joined.sdf Ha

Re: [Open Babel] Using openbabel.py to generate InChIKey with reconnect metal option

2011-12-10 Thread Chris Morley
On 09/12/2011 19:44, Noel O'Boyle wrote: > Or more succintly, with obabel 2.3.1 I have: > > C:\Users\Noel>obabel -:[Al]C#N -oinchi -xK -xX Recmet > == > *** Open Babel Warning in InChI code >#1 :Metal was disconnected > ♥ > 1 molecule converted > > ...which is rathe