Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: SIKAT FPNI HARI INI.................!!! --OPEN GAP-UP

2008-08-03 Terurut Topik hepisaham
The REAL LOSER will be proven today: FPNI or..AUTO Let's enjoy the the show Rgds. BlackBerry� seken -Original Message- From: "Tom DS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 23:33:50 To: Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: SIKAT FPNI HARI INI.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Warning: IDX infrastructure under attack

2008-08-04 Terurut Topik hepisaham
OMG, Pasti gara-gara FPNI yg mau open gap BlackBerry� seken -Original Message- From: jko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2008 09:35:32 To: Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Warning: IDX infrastructure under attack Mbah, boleh minta penjelasan dari sisi bandarmologi / c

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: SERBU (2160)

2008-08-05 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Mbah, *BUMI OPEN GAP UP BESOK Ngumpet ** ahh* BlackBerry� seken -Original Message- From: "jsx_consultant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2008 09:06:24 To: Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: SERBU (2160) IHSG close di 2185 atau naik +25 dari judul Eropa dan DF Future


2008-08-06 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Mbah, sebagai pemberi komando yang diikuti oleh ribuan trader di OB, bagaimana mbah mengukur bahwa komando berhasil atau tidak, saya melihat secara daily hasil komandonya kemarin tidak begitu signifikan atau karena saya terlalu awam menilainya, mohon pencerahan Mbah Rgds BlackBerry� seke


2008-08-06 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Prajurit setia kalau ada secercah harapan dari komandonya di tengah perang puputan akan rela mati secara ikhlas. Btw, kereta-kereta bozz senior besar ini pakai gigi berapa mbah? Kalau gigi masih ada prajurit mau ikut tamasya (perang kali ini melelahkan)walau mungkin tdk jauh Mohon petunjuk Mb

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Indosat, Tanda Alam? Switch to Flash

2008-08-09 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Sharing aja pak, saya bbp kali coba trading pake flash unlimited agak lambat dan sering mati tiba2. Utk trading saya pakai XL broadband limited dan jauh lebih stabil dan lebih cepat (area thamrin). Kalau utk penggunaan malam hari terutama di atas jam 10 malem, flash unlimited strongly recommende

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Oil Geopolitics - August 8

2008-08-09 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Wow, pembelajaran sangat luar biasa malam ini Thanks to Mbah n pak Oentoeng, you are FABOULOUS Rgds BlackBerry� seken -Original Message- From: "jsx_consultant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2008 16:53:50 To: Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Oil Geopolitics - August 8 --- In

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ANTM : To Pak Oen

2008-08-11 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Dear pak Oen, saya tegang menanti INDF dibawah 2000 (according to your last recomendation) , sekarang sdh pasrah di 1975 , bisa memberikan ijin buat masuk sekarang pak? Rgds BlackBerry� seken -Original Message- From: "oentoeng_qq" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 07:47:19

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: INDF: Keuntungan dari penjualan Treasury Stock

2008-08-17 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Ett, Jadi ingat FPNI.. Tapi yg ini beda kasta,illustrated by highly qualified person , -pak Oent, kalo dibawah 2000 hantam -Mbah sdh kasi ilustrasi positif (kasus bbp hot BF yg diilustrasi ulang besoknya lgs terbang lagi) -tambah abdol lg kalo pak JT (angel of OB) berkenan m

Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Palm Oil Falls as Crude Drop Erodes Prospect for Biofuel Demand

2008-08-26 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Wow mantap pak Jos,sy bukan siapa2 sy hanya penggemar anda tapi lagi pegang aali dan ptba (keduanya alhamdulillah masih hijau). Rgds. BlackBerry�seken -Original Message- From: "jos_martino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 15:40:29 To: Subject: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re:

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Mana kumis nya

2008-07-14 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Boss Oen finish di SMRA, tambah satu lagi koleksi lagi nih yg nyangkut.. Berarti besok CL nya terperih dan terpedih, mohon petunjuk bos Oen Sent from my BlackBerry� wireless device from XL GPRS/EDGE/3G network -Original Message- From: "oentoeng_qq" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Mon,

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Ambil FPNI sekarang di 25 5…….. Atau besok-besok tunggu ketinggalan kereta..

2008-07-17 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Bos Tom, FPNI sudah 255 lagi, mau berangkat lagi ga Rgds Sent from my BlackBerry� wireless device from XL GPRS/EDGE/3G network -Original Message- From: "Tom DS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 15:54:34 To: ; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [obrolan-bandar] So happy happy happy

2008-07-22 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Last friday : welcome to the jungle Today and tomorow : patience (thanks to bro JC) Next year, according to pak Oen : paradise city smiling BlackBerry� -Original Message- From: "Juragan Cumi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 16:07:20 To: Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] So

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Embah kemana.. need marketwise technical A.S.A.P.

2008-07-22 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Lagi casting aktor buat hot BF embah yg terbaru, yg lama lagi tayang tuh. Best wishes embah smiling BlackBerry� -Original Message- From: "t_bumi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 04:03:10 To: Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Embah kemana.. need marketwise technical A

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Berhati-hati saat di TIKUNGAN

2008-07-24 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Bro JM, bisa bagi ilmunya utk tahu karakter or pola saham agar bisa bedain yg technical ribon dg ribon beneran? Rgds. Assisten nubie smiling BlackBerry� -Original Message- From: "jos_martino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 10:36:35 To: Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Berh

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Berhati-hati saat di TIKUNGAN

2008-07-24 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Thanks bro Jos atas penjelasannya, krn awam sy butuh wkt utk memahaminya terutama paragraf2 akhir.. Jawaban atas Pertanyaan Embah akan sgt membantu sekali dlm memahami TR dan R ini. So, mohon bantuan para senior, seperti pak DE, pak Jsx trader, pak Boys, pak Tasrul,pak M Alfatih dll...

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Hotel Didalam Jurang

2008-07-25 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Mungkin yg dimaksud pak Aria hotel nikko kali ya, bali cliff itu di atas tebing di jimbaran. Rgds smiling BlackBerry� -Original Message- From: "Aria Santoso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 12:21:39 To: Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] Hotel Didalam Jurang Jadi ingat

Re: [ob] gitu aja repot

2010-03-05 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
!!!. Terutama yg belum diekspose oleh media. Nasi uduk ikan tongkol. Sambil duduk minum teh botol. Kha. . with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From

Re: [ob] gitu aja repot

2010-03-05 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Kha... Selain jago uda ane baek pula.thanks ya. Btw, Buka acc di osk berapa uda? Kalo mahasiswa beda ga sama umum?. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From

Re: [ob] ASII +4,3%

2010-03-07 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Mbah memang MANTAP!!!. Pamho. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "jsx_consultant" Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 02:53:36 To: Subject: [ob]

Re: [ob] Satu dekade milis OB.... OB ulang tahun, email name ganti ah..

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Selamat Ulang Tahun OB. JAYA.... with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: JT Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 04:16:05 To: obrolan-bandar

Re: [ob] Break out List

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Ane nambahin listnya suhu Hans, Break peak : hexa smra Sdh di atas peak : asii smcb Disc on. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: Hans Kwee Date: Tue, 9


2010-03-08 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
terjadi di ob family. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "iching_prediction" Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2010 04:35:34 To: Subject: Re: [ob] INC


2010-03-08 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Last weekend ada yg kecurian emosinya prof. Two of ob's top movers ie Boker JT sama broker BW..kha... Salam Kecurian. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Ori


2010-03-08 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Walah salah urat. Tolong ditambahin" R "nya bos. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "-Saham.Indonesia-" Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 06:52:


2010-03-08 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Kha...sori prof ga sengaja salah ketik. Bumi adro Lemot ya prof, SABAR, ntar juga pada hepi (disc on). btu juga nyungsep semalam. Kalo coal ane demennye itmg prof (sdh pernah diposting dulu kan). with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by

Re: [ob] reopen

2010-03-09 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Hasil vooting nya utk ASII mantap bos DE. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: Dean Earwicker Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 17:16:53 To: Subject: Re: [ob]

Re: [ob] Reminder: No B7 discussion this week

2010-03-14 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Nyuekin bos DE itu bisa dianggap menghina lambang negara lo secara dia ini aset bangsa yg brilliant...kha... Bos DE kalo sdh sebel dicuekin, main ke facebook ane aje, ada suguhan HOT Kolesterol menu today.semoga bos DE doyan. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock

Re: [ob] Re: BBCA update

2010-03-14 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Mbah luar biasa!!!. Pamho. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "jsx_consultant" Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 04:06:09 To: Subject: [ob] Re: BBCA upd

Re: [ob] Re: BBCA update... Memilih saham denga metode Elliott Wave..

2010-03-15 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Ga jadi gelar tiker dong...pesanan nasi uduk ame ikan tongkol batalin dulu.kha... Kalo jadi ane pesen indomie dah.. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message

[ob] Thanks to obers

2010-03-15 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Buat obers yg berkunjung ke facebook hepisaham semalam dan pagi ini. Terima kasih atas kerjasamanya. Menu ASIA nya laris manis. Salam hening buat yg merayakan NYEPI. I love obers particularly Mbah dan suhu senior disini. Muahhh. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when

Re: [ob] Thanks to obers

2010-03-15 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
nuungsep ane mau cari tuh soros. Salam hening suhuku uda Tasrul. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: Tasrul Tanar Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 02:12:55 To

Re: [ob] Thanks to obers

2010-03-15 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Kalo C69 apa ayo... Ane bukan C tapi Eedan maksudnye...khe.. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "silversurfer" Date: Mon, 15 Mar

Re: [ob] Thanks to obers

2010-03-15 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Curhat apaan ya?? Asia?? Ato itmg lagi?? Curhat juga biasanya Via bbm tapi bukan ttg sahamkhe with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "silversurfer&q

Re: [ob] Thanks to obers

2010-03-15 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
kan curhatnya. Mau nge-hening dulu. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "silversurfer" Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 13:38:28 To: Subject: Re: [ob]

Re: [ob] Thanks to obers

2010-03-16 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Bro n Sis serta rekan obers. Terima kasih atas ucapan selamat Nyepi nya. We are really appreciate that. Semoga obers selalu dalam lindungan dan karunia Tuhan. Salam Hening, with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading

Re: [ob] ITMG: Running in Wave 3 in Upper degree Wave 3

2010-03-16 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Mantap Mbah. Pamho. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "jsx_consultant" Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 02:42:34 To: Subject: [ob] ITMG: Running in Wave

Re: [ob] ITMG: Running in Wave 3 in Upper degree Wave 3

2010-03-16 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Pagi aja dah. I love youkha with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 03:00:58 To: Obrolan Bandar Subject: Re

Re: [ob] Re: CPIN: Wave 5 continue

2010-03-16 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Bikin WS Mbah ane sekompi ngikut bila ga ada halangan, tapi jangan mahal2 ya...kha with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "jsx_consultant" Date: W

Re: [ob] Prof. JT Dow sampai mana kuatnya? 11400 kah?

2010-03-20 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Bos Rei, yg pake batik doyannya internet (indomie kornet keju) warung edi. Btw, ada ngomongin BBTN ga mereka prof?...khe with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message

Re: [ob] BMRI: Final Result 2009

2010-03-24 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Thanks Mbah, swingnya renyah juga. Pamho. with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "jsx_consultant"

Re: [ob] Mining MAEN

2010-03-26 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Mbah ITMG ikut ya. Pamho. with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "jsx_consultant" Date: Fri, 26 M

[ob] Masalah WTP Gratiss

2010-03-28 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
a membantu. with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham

Re: [ob] ITMG

2010-03-28 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Not too bad lah, capital gain dari nge swing sdh lumayan. Thanks to ITMG management. Btw, info nya valid kan bli? Mau siap2 beli onyx second soalnye. with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk

Re: [ob] Break peak si index?(buat om hepisaham)

2010-04-01 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Bro, break peaknya tgl 8 kemarin barengan sama asii (see my posting on FB terkait asii). Sekarang ihsg running diatas peak yg kedua, sementara asii sdh break peak yg ketiga dan di high risk area. selingkuhan ane rada norak ne si BBTN (muah muah muah). with kind regards hepisaham

Re: [ob] Exit Strategy

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
merupakan pindahan saham yg tadinya di table AA. Contohnya, BBTN, INCO, ITMG dll. Bila bro berminat kirim saja email kosong ke Semoga WTP dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi rekans semua. with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan

Re: [ob] Exit Strategy

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
maintenance server mungkin pengiriman mundur sampai jam 9pm atau besok paginya. Harap maklum ya bro. with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham


2010-04-04 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Mohon rekan obers yg masih minat dengan WTP, email kosongnya ke, bukan ke hepisaham ya. Bila ke hepisaham spt rekan dibawah ini, maka WTP dipastikan tdk sampe karena sy tdk cek email hepisaham setiap saat dan kemungkinan email rekans nyangkut. --Original Message


2010-04-04 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
yang lalu. Kalo ane tahu ada yg ga nyumbang, ane stop tuh WTP...( with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message


2010-04-04 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
. Menu WTP itu racikan tim hepisaham, setidaknya sdh dipilihin ikan yg seger2 dah (dari 400an ikan di lautan BEI). Nah, alat masak sama, pilihan ikan sama, bumbu dapur juga sama, tapi rasa yg dilahirkan koki satu dengan yg koki yg lain bisa beda beda kan? Sekarang tinggal pilih mau shabu


2010-04-04 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Tolong bantuin Cariin nama yg bagus dong bro...kha with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "ivan"


2010-04-04 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Btw, ane masih brondong pak Halim belum om-omkha... with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: HALIM SUNARTO


2010-04-04 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Ane sdh sampaikan ke admin tadi, email bro sdh ada di list dan sdh dikirim, tolong juga bro cek ke spam, mungkin nyngkut disitu. with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System


2010-04-04 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
HMS lucu juga.. Ane lengkapin jadi: HMSA : Hepi Main Saham Adaro. Keren kan!!!. with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original


2010-04-04 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
informasi sudah dipager dengan peak and trough level. Tinggal aplikasikan dengan disiplin. Most important psychologi of trading is strictly FOLLOW THE RULE. (Simple rule of trading added in your WTP table). with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk


2010-04-05 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Dear obers, Peminat Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) per senen malam kemarin menembus 1059 email. sebagian dari obers dan sebagian dari facebookers. Bbp email/rekan masih mengalami kendala sbb: 1. Bbp rekans mengirim email kosong ke hepisaham seharusnya ke Shg WTP tdk terkirim


2010-04-05 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Pak Widhi ysh. Weekly sir, daily nya utk pantau pembentukan base baru dari pergerakan harga (peak or trough baru). Pak Widhi baru gabung di WTP senen kemarin ya, nanti setelah seminggu bisa tahu jawabannya yg lebih lengkap. Member hepisaham mendapat fasilitas private mentoring baik dengan

Re: [ob] ADRO mantapp tuh...

2010-04-06 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
, itmg, untr, smcb, bbca, inco dll (penghuni table AA dan sdh pindah ke table BB di WTP). with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original

Re: [ob] ADRO mantapp tuh...

2010-04-06 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Ame suhu, ngalah lah...kha... From bottom fisher (break trough spec buy-DCA apply) to break peak trader. Agree suhu JT, will hold until break trough or TS (kalo di WTP-profit saving rule). Salam floating gain suhu JT, with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke hepid

Re: [ob] ADRO mantapp tuh...

2010-04-06 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
MARGIN..+-$?!?!??!!!";:'.oh...NO with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: hexam...

Re: [ob] ADRO mantapp tuh...

2010-04-06 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
MARGIN..+-$?!?!??!!!";:'.oh...NO with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: hexam...

Re: [ob] ADRO mantapp tuh...

2010-04-06 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
banget belajar, your sharing is always beneficial to me. with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "JT"

Re: Bls: [ob] Re: GZCO mbah hebat ... (Saham CPO)

2010-04-07 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Buaya tidur (sleeping alligator) lama banget (mei 2009-maret 2010), now wake up and horny???. Or alligator kekenyangan yg mau muntahin cuan???. with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk

Re: Bls: [ob] Bloomberg news: Indonesia Stocks Are in a ‘Bubble,’ Central Bank Study Shows

2010-04-07 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Switching smoothly from high risk cuan stock (table BB) to low risk cuanable stocks (table AA). This is one of the ART of Money Management. with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based

[ob] OOT- BB meledak

2010-04-09 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
sering going overseas terutama saat winter. with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham

Re: [ob] STEEL DEMAND 2010

2010-04-10 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Jadi INCO belum dipatok ya sir Okelah kalo begitu..ane tetep diemin inco di wtp (table BB). with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham

Re: [ob] Bagaimana pilih saham yg bakal naik tinggi??

2010-04-10 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
n entusias obers dan facebookers. with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 02:27:56 T

Re: [ob] Bagaimana pilih saham yg bakal naik tinggi??

2010-04-10 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
kira bisa meringankan beban Mbah utk tetap bisa control trafic email di ob. Semoga WTPers maklum. with kind regards hepisaham kirimkan email kosong ke utk mendapatkan Weekly Trading Plan (WTP) GRATIS. Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham

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