[obrolan-bandar] Re: next pgas-kasus KORUPSI

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Dear all, Ada yg punya info ttg perkembangan kasus korupsi di PGN ini?. http://news.okezone.com/read/2009/02/23/1/195323/korupsi-pgn-kpk-periksa-mantan-direktur-danareksa Pengaruh ga ke market ya?. Rgds. lov...@blackberry

Re: [obrolan-bandar] BUMI

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Pada ngacir banyak di 750 dan 730, barisan jambret trader say hello to bumi di 700, come on sweety touch that. Mbah note : bumi is the most STRONG and HEALTHY stock in bei. Rgds. lov...@blackberry -Original Message- From: "JT" Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 10:32:22 To: ; ; Subject: [ob

Re: cuan together Bls: [obrolan-bandar] UNCOVERING THE MYSTERIES

2009-02-24 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Jend Art nyangkut di pgas bro makanya linklunk...hiks. lov...@blackberry -Original Message- From: jku...@yahoo.com Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 10:07:40 To: Subject: Re: cuan together Bls: [obrolan-bandar] UNCOVERING THE MYSTERIES Cuan 3% tiap saham, beli tiga macam ya tetep 3% dong bk

Re: cuan together Bls: [obrolan-bandar] UNCOVERING THE MYSTERIES

2009-02-24 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Weks, bbp hari kedepan ane prosotin tuh pgas ampe gopek. Pengin denger jend Art teriak. Trader tomboy nan blagu. lov...@blackberry -Original Message- From: indeksbei3...@gmail.com Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 13:32:10 To: Subject: Re: cuan together Bls: [obrolan-bandar] UNCOVERING THE

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Jagung Bakar, Mau?

2009-02-24 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Colours masih asek ga om?. lov...@blackberry -Original Message- From: "y_dizz" Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 15:04:11 To: Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Jagung Bakar, Mau? Sekarang Tunjungan Plaza mulai 1-4 malah, bisa kurus deh kalo diputerin semua. Hahaha... Kalo Delta Plaza malah udah j

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Aneh, kok ihsg belum crass??

2009-02-24 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Mantap ilmunya pak BK, kalau besok sebaiknya belanja apa jualan pak. Mohon petunjuk. Rgds. lov...@blackberry -Original Message- From: Bambang Kansah Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 08:20:01 To: Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Aneh, kok ihsg belum crass?? Kalo aku sih ngak mau kebanyakan teo


2009-02-26 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Hor Mbah sudah ga NETRAL lagi sekarang, sdh masuk kandang lagi berapa persen nih Mbah. Pamho Mbah. lov...@blackberry -Original Message- From: "jsx_consultant" Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 09:19:26 To: Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: NASI AKING VS SHINING GOOMAH'S LEGS Jawabannya SEDE

Re: [obrolan-bandar] posting...

2009-02-26 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Jend, Biasanya kalo orang tua lg sedih dia datengin anak dan cucunya atu atu utk penghiburan. Mbah masih sedih karena dia dan beberapa cucu nyangkut di bri. Lari.ah ntar dijewer. Pamho. lov...@blackberry -Original Message- From: artomoro9 Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 20:0

Re: [obrolan-bandar] MR JT, tanya BUMI

2009-03-01 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Master JT, mantap langsung mental tuh master, mendeteksi reversal di 710 bgm caranya ya (apa tidak akan dijebol lagi). Salam. lov...@blackberry

Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Analisa DE: Peta jalannya pertandingan (bozz vs market)

2009-03-03 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Mantap Mbah, kalo besok skenario best and worst nya gimana ya? Pamho. lov...@blackberry -Original Message- From: "jsx_consultant" Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2009 13:20:07 To: Subject: Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Analisa DE: Peta jalannya pertandingan (bozz vs market) --- In obrolan-bandar@ya

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Reject atas

2009-03-11 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Jenderal keknya dapet bocoran nih tapi Pilihannya bnyak amat, buat nebaknya silaken pake fasilitas : -fifty2 -phone a friend -ask the audience OR -ask Mbahmana tahu salah satu dibuatin BF. Rgds. lov...@blackberry -Original Message- From: "artomoro9" Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Reject atas

2009-03-12 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Mba, yg ane inget tuh tunas perawan dari lampung, mungkin ada penggemar bfyg lain yg bisa bantu? Jangan2 Mbah go nongol today, emang lg syting BF nih.. lov...@blackberry -Original Message- From: fifi young Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:16:46 To: Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Reject

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Reject atas

2009-03-12 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Best Fundamental ie BF khusus racikan Mbah yg aktornya dari 2nd liner yg diestimasi punya barang (NI) guede bgt lov...@blackberry -Original Message- From: fifi young Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 15:08:51 To: Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Reject atas 2009/3/11 >Jenderal keknya

[ob] Test market test market

2009-06-28 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Dari jam 3 sore tdk ada email ob masuk ke bb hepi. Test test test. b...@lowriskberry

Re: [ob] Test market test market

2009-06-28 Terurut Topik hepisaham
. Gitu aja kok repot. Yg susah milih jodoh. Buat seumur hidup soale. Makanya posting dong stok picknya. Ane kagak ganggu lg dah. He he he. hepisaham wrote: > Dari jam 3 sore tdk ada email ob masuk ke bb hepi. Test test test. > b...@lowris

Re: [ob] Senen?

2009-06-28 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Inilah akibatnya kalo ngerjain hepi..lol,letih lesu lemah sahwat tdk ada gairah...tuh hepi update stockpicknya di FB, tapi om jend Arto ga akan bisa baca (balesdendam.com). b...@lowriskberry -Original Message- From: artomoro9 Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 06:13:37 To: Obrolan-b

Re: [ob] Test market test market

2009-06-28 Terurut Topik hepisaham
, gd,mgw, sby yg jd presiden mah kite terima aje. Gitu aja kok repot. Yg susah milih jodoh. Buat seumur hidup soale. Makanya posting dong stok picknya. Ane kagak ganggu lg dah. He he he. hepisaham wrote: > Dari jam 3 sore tdk ada email ob masuk ke bb hepi. Test test test.

Re: [ob] Re: Billy, Oom mau tanya ...

2009-06-30 Terurut Topik hepisaham
WOW amazing bro, be aware of money loundering ya, make sure that your customer money is clean. Rgds. b...@lowriskberry -Original Message- From: "billy_wta" Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 08:07:20 To: Subject: [ob] Re: Billy, Oom mau tanya ... kita ke frankfurt om, bareng komisaris ASII

Re: [ob] Re: HARI INI MELEGAKAN ......

2009-06-30 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Tapi.., Hepi and my private investor masih boleh ngeshort kan dear Billy???hehehe. b...@lowriskberry -Original Message- From: "billy_wta" Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 11:54:14 To: Subject: [ob] Re: HARI INI MELEGAKAN .. Hari pamungkas 30 juni 2009 telah lewat hari ini, ma

[ob] Re: My View on Indonesian Best Trader & Trainner

2009-07-02 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Dear Master Halim. Hepi like this : ***Trading is simple,..don't make it so complicated***. Rgds. kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style*

Re: [ob] Re: [JT] Re: /\/\etaStock >> OOT Workshop "Technique & Psychology Trading " 11 Juli 2009

2009-07-03 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Bli anru (beneh apa sing ne) dan bli indra, baline dije niki? Salam kenal ngih. Suksmaning dahat. kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style* -Original Message- From: anru.s...@gmail.com Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 15:33:15 To: Subject: Re: [ob] Re: [JT] Re

[ob] 2020 jebol ga nehhh

2009-07-06 Terurut Topik hepisaham
- kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style*

Re: [ob] Hajar kanan !!! I am full ammo..

2009-07-09 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Pak jenderal arto, astra lunas ya. kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style* -Original Message- From: "artomoro9" Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 01:51:59 To: Subject: Re: [ob] Hajar kanan !!! I am full ammo.. ini ane promosikan tulisan hepisaham

Re: [ob] dana BOZZ vs MI

2009-07-11 Terurut Topik hepisaham
o jadi mau menghadap? Mana tahu dapat wangsit. kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style* -Original Message- From: boysngi...@gmail.com Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 07:40:17 To: Subject: Re: [ob] dana BOZZ vs MI Gak enak bilangnya. Dulu saya pernah ula

Re: [ob] dana BOZZ vs MI

2009-07-11 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Power Ranger..kha.. kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style* -Original Message- From: brainfuchs Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 20:34:00 To: Subject: Re: [ob] dana BOZZ vs MI 2009/7/11 hepisaham : > > > BOZZ dananya ga gede banget tapi

[ob] THANKS-investor

2009-07-11 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Dear all, Ijinkan hepi menyampaikan apresiasi yg setinggi tingginya kpd rekan yg bergabung di hepiinvestor. Setelah dua bulan penuh tim hepisaham melakukan personal initial meeting dengan para private investor baik off line maupun online, kami jadi mengenal member ob secara face to face

[ob] Artomoro itung CUAN

2009-07-15 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Pak jenderal sibuk itung cuannya setelah mampir di mabes hepitrader. Berapa karung pak jend?. kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style*

Re: Bls: [ob] Artomoro itung CUAN

2009-07-15 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Kalo bijina belah, gratiss Om DE, ups!!! kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style* -Original Message- From: Dean Earwicker Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 18:21:40 To: Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Artomoro itung CUAN Nanya aja, berbayar apa gratis ? Trus yang kedua

Re: Bls: [ob] Artomoro itung CUAN

2009-07-15 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Saya juga serius OM, belah ga?. kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style* -Original Message- From: Dean Earwicker Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 18:38:15 To: Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Artomoro itung CUAN Lho, saya serius loh mbak. Gratis apa bayar? Trus yang kedua

Re: Bls: [ob] Artomoro itung CUAN

2009-07-15 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Mmm ternyata ga belah ya , bijina standar, kha... kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style* -Original Message- From: Dean Earwicker Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 18:46:35 To: Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Artomoro itung CUAN Engga cakep berarti. hehe.. Regards, DE

Re: Bls: [ob] Artomoro itung CUAN

2009-07-15 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Om DE bijina standard..Om DE bijina standardOm DE bijina standardla la la.lala... kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style* -Original Message- From: Dean Earwicker Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 18:53:21 To: Subject: Re: Bls: [ob

Re: Bls: [ob] Artomoro itung CUAN

2009-07-15 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Om kobay, pan udah sama disposting sama jend arto , salah satunya astra sudah near 17% ga sampe seminggu. Ga mau kasi yg lain ah, bijina obers standard semua kayak om DE. Kalo jend Arto baru hepi demen, belah ketupat BO. .. kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free

Re: [ob] Selasa ?

2009-07-19 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Om DE ga expert kalo gitu, ga jadi deh!!!. kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style* -Original Message- From: Dean Earwicker Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 10:56:28 To: Subject: Re: [ob] Selasa ? Kalo cewek engga boleh ikut, soalnya kan engga bisa nga... heheh

Re: [ob] Selasa ?

2009-07-20 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Tuh kan..ko ga sensi sih... kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style* -Original Message- From: Dean Earwicker Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 17:42:17 To: Subject: Re: [ob] Selasa ? Ga jadi apa pi? On 7/20/09, hepisaham wrote: > Om DE ga expert kalo g

Re: [ob] Selasa ?

2009-07-20 Terurut Topik hepisaham
M Bukannya cuman jago di head n shoulder doang, kalo bottom fishing sampai nge break peak masih diragukan, ..hehehehe. kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style* -Original Message- From: Dean Earwicker Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 18:05:41 To

Re: [ob] Selasa ?

2009-07-20 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Ahom DE om BOySjadi selama ini peaknya sering gagalkarena...oh TIDK... kindly regards. hepisaham *simple and stress free trading style* -Original Message- From: "boyz" Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 11:37:42 To: Subject: Re: [ob] Selasa ? Emangnya

[ob] low risk stocks

2009-06-07 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Rekans ob tersayang, Sy rekomen dua low risk stock to pick up in my facebook. Semoga peaknya besok tembus dengan vol at least 2x avg 125 days trading, kalo iya they will move up and we can enjoy riding their up trend wave.. Semoga. Rgds. b...@lowriskberry

Re: [ob] low risk stocks

2009-06-07 Terurut Topik hepisaham
9 12:33:49 To: Subject: Re: [ob] low risk stocks Halo pak Hepisaham, Mengapa pendapat dan nama stock nya ndak lansung anda share di OB? Lebih praktis. Repot kalau harus bolak-balik liat FB. :-) Peace Sent from my BearBerry® powered by ISAT & TLKM -Original Message- From: "hep

Re: [ob] low risk stocks

2009-06-07 Terurut Topik hepisaham
bekerja yg ga bisa monitor harian bisa ngikuti trading ala kura2 ini. Mohon selalu masukan Bill. Rgds. b...@lowriskberry -Original Message- From: "billy_wta" Date: Sun, 07 Jun 2009 14:59:37 To: Subject: Re: [ob] low risk stocks wah hepisaham makin maju ya, hehehe, k

Re: [ob] low risk stocks

2009-06-07 Terurut Topik hepisaham
itinggikan dan yang meninggikan diri akan direndahkan fren, keep this advise ya, I akan sering kunjungi FB-nya ya, untuk bantu hepisaham, biar lebih hepi, hehehehehehhe GBU --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "hepisaham" wrote: > > You are my inspiration my dear friend Bil

[ob] Billy, hepi b'day

2009-06-07 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Wishing you all the best my dear friend. Rgds. b...@lowriskberry

[ob] WOW....

2009-06-09 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Dari hasil stock screening hasil penutupan hari ini ada bbp saham yg membentuk resistance dan support baru dengan jarak yg SANGAT DEKAT. Please comment them on my facebook. Rgds. b...@lowriskberry

Re: [ob] Re: WOW....

2009-06-09 Terurut Topik hepisaham
U. Jutha B --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "hepisaham" wrote: > > Dari hasil stock screening hasil penutupan hari ini ada bbp saham yg > membentuk resistance dan support baru dengan jarak yg SANGAT DEKAT. > > Please comment them on my facebook. > > Rgds. > > > b...@lowriskberry >

Re: [ob] Re: WOW....

2009-06-09 Terurut Topik hepisaham
mporin ah... > Kl ga salah BNBR harami cross.. > CMIIW > > -- > *From*: "hepisaham" > *Date*: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 00:27:38 + > *To*: > *Subject*: Re: [ob] Re: WOW > > Salah satunya Bnbr : peak 90 through

Re: [ob] Re: Hujan kapan turun ya..

2009-06-10 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Sy kenalnya ama DREW BEARiMORE mbah...hiks. b...@lowriskberry -Original Message- From: "jsx_consultant" Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 07:17:42 To: Subject: [ob] Re: Hujan kapan turun ya.. --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "cipto_jh" wrote: > > Eh udah mulai ding.. :p > Kamu ken

Re: [ob] Re: Saham Gorengan

2009-06-14 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Thanks for your valuable advice dear master T_Bumi. ...go BHSH Rgds. b...@lowriskberry -Original Message- From: "t_bumi" Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 07:17:03 To: Subject: [ob] Re: Saham Gorengan --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "[ M S ]" wrote: > > > Saya ngak trading den

Re: [ob] BUMI-jambret siap!!!

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Pasukan jambret sudah dikerahkan dengan kekuatan penuh prof. Rgds. b...@lowriskberry -Original Message- From: "JT" Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 09:20:22 To: Subject: [ob] BUMI Trading Range 1900-2250., volume menghilang saat harga masuk trading range.., trigger level jika close above 22

[ob] Stock screening-jend Arto

2009-06-21 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Om jend pesenannya sdh di FB hepi sesuai permintaan. Rgds. b...@lowriskberry

[ob] Shopping time

2009-06-22 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Akan banyak saham yg masuk ke area low risk stocks, Ga perlu susah2 nawar neh . . b...@lowriskberry

Re: [ob] Shopping time

2009-06-22 Terurut Topik hepisaham
See my FB, dari konsevative swinger jadi scalper yg anggun, sdh dapet 3 rit, ayoo!!, opportuinty selalu ada. b...@lowriskberry -Original Message- From: "Budi R" Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 09:40:05 To: Subject: RE: [ob] Shopping time Kok volumenya kecil yah.. From: ob

Re: [ob] Shopping time

2009-06-22 Terurut Topik hepisaham
canda ya... Regards, Yudizz Send from My Hape Cina (yang ada TVnya) -Original Message- From: hepisaham Sent: 23-06-2009 09:46:39 Subject: Re: [ob] Shopping time See my FB, dari konsevative swinger jadi scalper yg anggun, sdh dapet 3 rit, ayoo!!, opportuinty selalu ada.

Re: [ob] Shopping time

2009-06-22 Terurut Topik hepisaham
izz Send from My Hape Cina (yang ada TVnya) -Original Message----- From: hepisaham Sent: 23-06-2009 10:09:56 Subject: Re: [ob] Shopping time I LOVE YOU om. Kiss and hug. b...@lowriskberry -Original Message- From: "Yudizz" Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 03:02:41

Re: [ob] LOW IHSG = 1888.8

2009-06-22 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Mbah, you are HOT inspirator. PAMHO. b...@lowriskberry -Original Message- From: "jsx_consultant" Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 03:14:59 To: Subject: [ob] LOW IHSG = 1888.8 LOW IHSG = 1888.8 Saat ini IHSG 1894 dari RTI LOW IHSG = 1888.8 dari RTI HOKIE SUPPORT, 4 kali angka 8

Re: [ob] Shopping time

2009-06-22 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Yup, udah up 8% tuh dari low, gimme multi orgsm plis. b...@lowriskberry -Original Message- From: Vernichtung Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 10:00:50 To: Subject: Re: [ob] Shopping time Iya soalnya yg di market tinggal retail doang. 2009/6/23 Budi R > > > Kok volumenya kecil yah.. > >

Re: [ob] Itmg???

2009-06-22 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Mbah lagi semedi, hepi bantuin ya, itmg, medium to low risk stock (risk line retracted), supp 18600, resis 21600. Disc on. b...@lowriskberry -Original Message- From: mike_...@yahoo.com Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 03:25:43 To: Subject: [ob] Itmg??? Mbah, jika melihat dari sisi per di em

Re: [ob] Shopping time

2009-06-22 Terurut Topik hepisaham
My lover is slowly getting harder!. Ye. b...@lowriskberry -Original Message- From: artomoro9 Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 11:15:57 To: Subject: Re: [ob] Shopping time beneran nih.? DISCLAIMER ON --- Pada Sen, 22/6/09, hepisaham menulis: Dari: hepisaham Topik: Re

Re: [ob] Shopping time

2009-06-22 Terurut Topik hepisaham
ep ikannya pake kail apa pake jala? Kalo saya mending beli di pasar ikan aja deh, mahal dikit nggak apa2, daripada kejebur ke laut nggak bisa berenang. Hohoho... Regards, Yudizz Send from My Hape Cina (yang ada TVnya) -Original Message- From: hepisaham Sent: 23-06-2009 10:20:32 Subject

Re: [ob] Bebas mau milih Mega, JK atau >>SBY<

2009-06-27 Terurut Topik hepisaham
I like this master DE: "tugas kita bukan debat indeks mau keberapa, tapi gimana caranya bisa untung secara optimal". Rgds. b...@lowriskberry

Re: Workshop - To Fifi - RE: [ob] Fw: 2-Day TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Masterclass by Conrad

2010-02-14 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
"offensive" ..sy kira tradingnya bisa santai dan stress free, cuannya juga optimal dan Tuhan berkarunia. You go bro Jokik. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Origin

Re: Fw: [ob] IHSG besok , pake LOGIKA

2010-02-16 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
IPLIN dengan TA (tools) perlu perjuangan sangat keras melawan angkuhnya ego dan alami pengorbanan yg tdk sedikit. Setelah melalu proses itu baru dah PERCAYA,DISIPLIN dan SABAR. Melowww.mode on. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Tr


2010-02-17 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Nice bro ip, Open mind for difference views...and nothing else matters...mitiilica (DE-mode off). with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From

Re: [ob] Sell INDF, then buy PGAS

2010-02-21 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Personal valuation aja, Utk INDF, ane masih peluk dengan kesabaran penuh sejak BREAK TRoUGH UP (sdh di posting juga di ob-maaf lupa), masih LOW RISK, uptrend, baru BREAK PEAK pula, volume juga quite oke, ane exitnya pelan-pelan kalo pelemahan mulai terjadi. with kind regards hepisaham

Re: [ob] Sell INDF, then buy PGAS

2010-02-21 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Aman dah kalo suhu Hans meng-Amin-in. Di robot ane ada lebih dari 125 saham yg BREAK PEAK minggu lalu tapi hanya segelintir yang memenuhi kriteria layak trading Bos. Utk INDF level pengaman kita berbeda ya. Thanks suhu Hans. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK

Re: [ob] Sell INDF, then buy PGAS

2010-02-21 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Thanks atas warningnya prof, sepertinya warning sdh pernah di posting ya minggu lalu. INDF ternayata masih kuat naik. Baiknya memang selalu pasang pengaman agar cuan ga diambil lagi sama market. Thanks suhu JT. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW

Re: [ob] Sell INDF, then buy PGAS

2010-02-21 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Siap Bos BK, Ane kalo trading tidak pernah pasang target profit, tapi selalu pasang target exit baik di level TRoUGH maupun initial stop loss. Lagi enjoy bgt di ITMG (yg ini juga sudah diposting juga di ob). Thanks atas warningnya bos BK. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when

Re: [ob] Sell INDF, then buy PGAS

2010-02-21 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
(exit bila ada tekanan berlebihan). with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: Hans Kwee Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 11:54:09 To: ; jsxtrader; Metastock Id Groups

Re: [ob] Sell INDF, then buy PGAS

2010-02-21 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Jend., not that big but slightly chubby, rambut sosoh, kaca mata, doyan batik, nampak bersahaja. Warungnya di bilangan setiabudi. AneNgarang.net. Jangan dimasukin ke hati ya my Jend...kha. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by

Re: [ob] DOW Today

2010-02-23 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: SSTrader01 Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 09:48:38 To: Subject: [ob] DOW Today Pas opening sempet Ijo gara-gara harga rumah nai 0.3% di bulan

Re: mentor donggg............Re: [ob] Trading Plan Vs Luck

2010-02-27 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Lama ga pantau OB, banyak yg seru terlewatkanbos DE sesuai komitmen tim hepisaham hari ini mentoring 2 member baru (pagi dan sore), face to face, up close and personnal selama 3 jam penuh, mentoring dilanjutkan via email SETIAP HARI bila ada ketidakjelasan atas RBT system. Mulai dari

Re: [ob] BSDE - a Review

2010-02-27 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
bimbingan suhu JT. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "JT" Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 12:17:25 To: ; Subject: [ob] BSDE - a Review Terus terang saya n

Re: [ob] BSDE

2010-02-28 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Bos DE mau paket yg plus-plus ga? Ada yg ala papan seluncur (dry n wet), snow boarding (panas dingin), sand boarding (yg ini a little bit crunchy). with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham

Re: [ob] BSDE

2010-02-28 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Itu tahun lalu, masih inget aja... Sekarang sudah mahal bangetkha canda, ane bisa digebuk sama super suhu. Ini nih yang bener simak ya, hepisaham sebenarnya sdh tdk promo utk SP membership lagi sejak desember tahun lalu, tapi permintaan terus ada tapi dengan sangat senang hati tetap

Re: [ob] BSDE

2010-02-28 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Ga tahu ya bro, ane kalo sama bos DE itu ga bisa serius, inilah hebatnya beliau ini. Hepisaham sdh tdk buka membership utk SP, hanya mempertahankan yg lama saja. Karena kami fokus ke RBT system yg lebih ke edukasi dan forum diskusi bagaimana trading dengan cara yg benar (nanti juga diberikan

Re: [ob] BSDE

2010-02-28 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham

Re: [ob] BSDE

2010-02-28 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham

Re: [ob] BSDE

2010-02-28 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Tuh kan gara2 di aduin ane beneran disangka makhluk halus (di wall FB), mana yg komen cakep lagikha with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: B_ND Date: Sun

Re: [ob] BSDE

2010-02-28 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Makanya ane demen ame obers, suhu ame members ...konyol-konyol..kha. ..btw, kali ini ane serius, kalo mau lihat chart BUMI di FB ada tuh, bulukan pula sudah disana sejak 24 januari brow. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based

Re: [ob] BSDE

2010-02-28 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Bro pan diskusinya masih bsde, yg diposting sebelumnya juga ane masih ada hold, jangan banyak2 lah megang sahamnya, puyenggg bro. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message

Re: [ob] BSDE

2010-02-28 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
rule of PP, pls japri, biar ente ga tambah bingung. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: kokol...@yahoo.co.id Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 14:08:12 To: Milis OB Subject

Re: [ob] BBCA,BMRI & BBRI to Mr Hepi

2010-02-28 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
sempat bales ya. Take a good rest all. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: Tasrul Tanar Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 06:07:34 To: ; ; Subject: [ob] BBCA,BMRI &

Re: [ob] BBCA,BMRI & BBRI to Mr Hepi

2010-02-28 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
membangun agar sama-sama bisa berbagi dan senang utk berbagi with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "silversurfer" Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 14

Re: Kebanjiran Japri - RE: [ob] BBCA,BMRI & BBRI to Mr Hepi

2010-02-28 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Kagak mendung kagak ujan ko banjir kha... Justin justinheal the world make it better place, for you and for me and the entire human race there are trader dying, if u care enough for the living make a better place for u and for me with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when

Re: [ob] RE: ADRO Update-kuwalat

2010-01-11 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Walah dipanggil bos pula, pasti biar dapet bocoran ya...KHA.., ane ini pemacul Om. Coba tebak pakai raja copetnya, kalo berhasil ane mau la langganan Rajacopet yg terkenal itu. Mana tahu bisa dimasukin sebagai tools tambahan di RBT system. with kind regards hepisaham Buy

Re: [ob] RE: ADRO Update-kuwalat

2010-01-11 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
...KHA. Nyang ntu belum seberapa dibanding BB05 prof. (sudah mau ke high risk level-siap siap untuk take profit). manasinOm-DE-lagi.com. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham

Re: [ob] Bu Nin ... AKRA

2010-01-12 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
MAKnyesss!!!. Selamat buat yg SADIS... with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: Heru Susanto Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 10:47:06 To: Subject: Re: [ob] Bu

Re: [ob] Sri Mulyani - Pansus

2010-01-12 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Beberapa yang duduk disana warga OB loh. Bu SRI..we love you!!!. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "JT" Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 12

Re: [ob] Re: UNTR & HEXA

2010-01-13 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
MANTAP...MBAh pamho. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "jsx_consultant" Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 04:09:02 To: Subject: [ob] Re: UNTR &


2010-01-16 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
cari pacar lagi/selingkuh ...kha with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: Nindya G Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 15:42:08 To: Obrolan Bandar Subject: [ob] ON


2010-01-16 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
sangat berguna bila saham yg sdh kita peluk (hold) sudah memberikan kenikmatan cukup (masuk area HIGH RISK), kita siap siap utk switching. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original


2010-01-18 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Bagi yg gendong hexa sejak break trough up (tgl 9 des 09), boleh lah exit dikit-dikit, sudah almost 38% gain. Ada beberapa saham low risk lainnya yg layak buat diicip-icip. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System


2010-01-18 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Di facebook : hepisaham ada bro. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: Ferry Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 12:45:26 To: Subject: Re: [ob] JANGAN JUAL HEXA ANDA

[ob] Coding Re: [meta]

2010-01-20 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Yth. Pak Widhi, untuk coding ada anggota tim hepisaham yg berminat daftar, mohon dimasukkan ke dalam list. thanks and regards. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message

Re: [ob] Coding Re: [meta]

2010-01-20 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Di warungnya Mbah ini banyak sekali yg hebat-hebat. mereka guru-guru saya. Semoga Goby juga berkenan mengajari saya. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "

Re: [ob] Warning: LQ45 mulai OUTFLOW !!!

2010-01-20 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Memberikan kesempatan saham-saham bagus yang sekarang banyak di posisi HIGH RISK untuk resting, nanti kalo sudah di LOW RISK kita punggut lagi. Pamho Mbah. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook

Re: [ob] Coding Re: [meta]

2010-01-20 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
TAZ ini juga one of great trader yg saya kenal. Get well soon bro. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: taz...@yahoo.com Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 13:00:54 To

Re: [ob] target TP kaum swinger

2010-01-21 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
baru). Historically, -swing : BEP (contoh BMRI) -swing : 15% (contoh KLBF) -swing : 20% (contoh UNTR/INTP) -swing : 30% (contoh HEXA/ITMG/BUMI). with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham

Re: [ob] Soft launching www.idxbot.com

2010-01-21 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
I like simplicity. Keren juga bro!!!. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: Dean Earwicker Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 23:26:39 To: Subject: [ob] Soft

Re: [ob] Om Bandar, 1420 nya di abisin dong. Kalo bisa tutupnya di 1430 ajah.

2010-01-24 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Yah jenderal Arto.. Beraninya nge-den di Peak. Di break lah jend.. Kha with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "A9" Date: Mon, 25 Jan

Re: I N D F - RE: [ob] Bls: [JT] C P I N

2010-01-25 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
KHA...KHA...KHA. Kalo sis Nindya, harus ganti waktu NY tuh. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: "JT" Date: Mon, 25 Jan

Re: I N D F - RE: [ob] Bls: [JT] C P I N

2010-01-25 Terurut Topik HepisahaM
Oh, LA toh.kapan pulank...blagakangen.net. Kalo pake rbt system ntar jend Arto nge-den pula with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -Original Message- From: Nindya G

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