send me hate
mail if the correction doesn't happen. But I believe you're smarter that
that. :)
This is my "peace" post, if you don't like me being in this group, please
tell Embah to ban me.
On 10/27/07, Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kita nggak mungkin
How bad do you want to see me naked, Joe? I'll give you my nude pic if JCI
does NOT go down below 2400 in the next 3 months.
Show me YOUR nude pic if it happens. I dare you...
On 10/28/07, Joe Highlander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After I have looked your picture (chart. Red) , now I und
Most of WIKA shares are controlled by small group of people. Small group of
POWERFUL people. So this stock is not intended for hit-and-run style
investment. Either you go with them, or play against them. Be patient.
You should buy a company (stocks) for its prospect.
On 10/29/07, adji
Smile, cuz it's going to be hell tomorrow. Boyz, I want to meet you someday.
You're not gay, right? hihihi..
On 10/30/07, boyz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>masa sih ?
> pernah ah
> coba dilihat lagi :
BUYBACK TLKM now! Of course you don't have to do that lol
On 10/31/07, Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Waduh Mbah, gimana kita tahu mana yg beneran warning atau jebakan dalam
> bentuk warning? Menarik sekali nih bandarmology.
> Saya salut sama Mbah!
You WISH I'm a man, that's why I think you're a fag.
Btw, enough of this sexist thing. If you believe I'm a female, then go with
it. If you believe i'm a man, well then you can go fuck yourself.
On 10/31/07, Sembilan Benoa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wr
You were trying so hard to insult me. Nice try, but I'm immune to insults,
especially from a sexist like you. Hahaha, whatever. I've enough with this
group anyway. It's pointless.
Shame on YOU, Andri.
On 10/31/07, Andri Wijaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i CHING khan bilang BUMI turun, terbukti sampai 10.49
--- In, "cipto_jh" wrote:
> Den BEI dach bersin2 neh, tulung di scan.. :p
Sama pak saya temenin kok, saya juga beli di 4.500 cuma berhubung saya pemain
kroco cuma beli 4 lot,...masih saya simpen pak, yah kali-kali saja naik lagi
pak,..naik syukur,..ngga naik yah saya tungguin naik aja deh...thx
Bandar Junior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Weleh5X...
musim hujan dingin-dingin begini memang cocok cari yang panas-panas biar ngga
kedinginan ya Pak?
boyz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: setuju mBah,
cape juga mbaca postingan yg isinya "panas"
jsx_consultant wrote:
> Elaine,
> Embah sangat menghargai posting posting anda, meskipun
Bozz ada angin segar nich, katanye oktober feni III dah bisa operasi lagi tuch.! any comment?Aria Bela Nusa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Kalo mengenai urusan Pem bisa
saja kejadian rencana Holding-nya ditunda2 dulu atau dibatalkan
Aria -Orig
Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa, semoga bulan ini dapat menghantarkan kita untuk lebih dekat kepada Allah dan membuat Allah ridho terhadap semua yg kita lakukan serta memudahkan segala urusan kita. Sudeswanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Bagi yang menunaikan,Diucapkan selamat beribadah puasa,
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