Ha ha ha ha, nice ... ! Boyz and Art ditantangin tuh ,..
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-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 13:02:04
Subject: Re: mengenai informasi berbayar (wa
Selamat Jalan Bung! , orang orang terkenal satu persatu dipanggil..
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-Original Message-
From: artomoro9
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 09:56:11
To: ob
Subject: [ob] selamat jalan kawa
I agree with you
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-Original Message-
From: "Hans Kwee"
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 20:17:10
To: ; ;
; ;
Subject: [ob] Elaine... We need more correction not just 200-300 point..
Sip, agree prof
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-Original Message-
From: "JT™" jsxtra...@yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 13:07:45
Subject: Re: [ob] Kehabisan good news?
Even friend bisa makan friend..
Spertinya nunggu pengumuman KPU
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-Original Message-
From: "boyz"
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 15:19:59
Subject: Re: [ob] Satu putaran no effect
Setuju ...
--- In obro
Ho hoh good news nggak habis ..
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-Original Message-
From: "tobinghe"
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 06:50:05
Subject: [ob] TRUB: Pendapatan 1Q09 Naik 42,89%
Title : TRUB: Penda
Mending gak tak buka laptop timbangane melu melu ngancurno ihsg..gak opo opo
nggko yo munggah maneh..
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-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 16:05:4
Please dicabut ya ?
Permintaan maaf segera dikeluarin..
Jika didelete posting sama juga menghilangkan barang bukti.., be wise..simalah
kamah klo dah gini
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-Original Message-
Saya demen ama yg ini, sejarah berulang harus dillihat dari semua sisi..
Supaya hidup kita juga sehat he he, bukan dikit dikit cut loss padahal cuma di
gertak BD, ato yg mau dapet discount barang murah!
Kalau bukan kita yg menjaga iklim investasi ! Apa kata dunia ?! Merdeka!!
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Hebat, sampe segitu ?
Semua jempol saya angkat.. Buat mbah..salute salute
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-Original Message-
From: "jsx_consultant"
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 06:55:14
Subject: [ob] IHSG te
Brur. Please use Indonesia or RI, bacanya rasanya bijimana gitu loh :)
Hayo siapa yg punya analisa hayo maju kedepan :D
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-Original Message-
From: Cougar Boy
Date: Sat, 22 A
Panjang Lebar ?
Panjang : kasian Ibu 2,
Lebar : kasian Bapak2
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-Original Message-
From: "JT™" jsxtra...@yahoo.com
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 12:47:14
Subject: Re:
Ada lagi nggak saham saham lain?, kalau sampah harga berapapun nggak dibeli he
he he, peace
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-Original Message-
From: Cougar Boy
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 08:24:29
Ada lagi nggak saham saham lain?, kalau sampah harga berapapun nggak dibeli he
he he, peace
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-Original Message-
From: Cougar Boy
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 08:24:29
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-Original Message-
From: "Profit YES"
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 06:31:44
Subject: [ob] Bloomberg Links
Pada grogi yg lagi pegang barang , DOW merah tifis..
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Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
kecuali diperluk
y Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> -Original Message-
> From: "DukunJsx™" dukun...@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 20:52:16
> To:
> Subject: [ob] DOW
> Pada grogi yg lagi pegang barang , DOW merah tifis..
> Disclaimer A
Profit taking :)
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-Original Message-
From: Enerchi
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 04:25:34
Subject: Re: [ob] BUMI Jumat besok 4 Sept
2 yang lama, 2 yang baru n 2 yin baru ya
Napa berulang2 ya ?
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-Original Message-
From: Bambang Putra
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 17:23:39
Subject: [ob] FW: RE:BUAT BANTU TEMAN..
>Permisi mbah.
>Maaf klo
Ganti “indosat" neh Prof
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-Original Message-
From: "JT"
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 21:29:20
To: ;
Subject: [ob] TEST - Pls Ignore
Tes.., tes.., satu.. dua.. tiga.. Tes
Sent fr
OB emang sangat istimewa,..
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-Original Message-
From: riil_inves...@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 00:32:23
To: OB
Subject: [ob] Liburan Milis OB
Mbak, bener2 sepi nih! Kayak
Lagi baca chart semua, mau nyuri start dari mana he he he..
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-Original Message-
From: Sebastian Saham
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 08:49:45
Subject: [ob] TAL Neh..
OB Tumben Se
Ada yg udah bikin afl buat filter saham saham yg datas buaya nggak ?,
Klo udah ada share dunk?
Cape klo buka chart satu satu
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-Original Message-
From: "jsx_consultant"
Date: Th
Brus afl buat filter nya ada gak ?
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-Original Message-
From: "prasetyo"
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 00:12:15
Subject: [ob] Re: Today's Lesson
udah di upload semalem ... t
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-Original Message-
From: Dumb Fish
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 07:09:51
Subject: [ob] Nokia N97 VS Nokia N97 MINI
Maap topiknya melenceng. Tapi mau tanya apa tem
Yang bumi mana yg iata mana nehh bro? Wa:p kak=D kak:D kak=D ...ka=)). :p
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-Original Message-
From: "DukunJsx™"
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 14:46:14
Subject: Re: [ob] Nokia N97 VS Nokia N97 MINI
Iya kakaknya N5110 ya?
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-Original Message-
From: "Joe Martin"
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 14:59:52
To: Ob
Subject: Re: [ob] Nokia N97 VS Nokia N97 MINI
N97 itu termasuk Ngage loh..
Semoga semua berjalan lancar brur,
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-Original Message-
From: "EB™" edbami...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2009 01:09:04
Subject: [ob] OOT-Mohon doa para OBers
Saya pagi
Alhamdulillah, Semoga jadi anak berbakti kepada orang tua dan bangsanya.
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-Original Message-
From: "EB™" edbami...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2009 03:20:53
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