Seperti cerita dalam my Notes di facebook ku
--- In, "katrin" wrote:
> Duh baca nya aja sedih kok dibilang joke sih ???
> -Original Message-
> From: "-Candra Wu"
> Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 15:26:50
> To: OB
> Subject: [ob] Joke dari china
--- In, David Lau wrote:
> So apakah ada yg bs ksh pandangan? apa alasan yg paling masuk akal utk
> kejadian hari ini?
> Apakah hanya koreksi biasa?
Pusatdunia answer:
Karena ada kekuatiran TERBARU.
resiko gagal bayar hutang n
UBS sees $1.75B Q1 loss, to cut 8,700 jobs
15 Apr 2009 | 04:36 AM ET
By: The Associated Press
ZURICH - UBS AG, Switzerland's largest bank, said Wednesday it expects a first
quarter loss of nearly 2 billion Swiss francs ($1.75 billion) and that it will
cut 8,700 jobs worldwide by the end of
sayang nya, BEI tidak ikut merasakan dampak "ijo" nya.
--- In, "y_dizz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your forecast will be come true EL, thx a lot...
ngomong2 soal ANTM
ANTM listing di BEI sejak kapan yach...
atau lebih jelasnya tanggal IPO NYA.
soRry... soalnya ngak ngikutin perkembangan antam
sebab dari penelusuran yahoo finance, historical price nya berada/
mulai 12 juli 2007 nich.
Trusskenapa harga saham antm di chart downtrend mel
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