Re: [ob] Big correction mulai besok??

2009-10-26 Terurut Topik edie sinthung turun krn stronger USD hit Oil Price --- On Mon, 10/26/09, Heru Susanto wrote: From: Heru Susanto Subject: Re: [ob] Big correction mulai besok?? To: Date: Monday, October 26, 2009, 11:20 PM   "ancrrr!! !  ayo buang barang" (bd tre

Re: [ob] Re: BUMI to Prof JT

2009-10-26 Terurut Topik edie sinthung
Thanks atas nasehatnya.. --- On Mon, 10/26/09, JT™ wrote: From: JT™ Subject: Re: [ob] Re: BUMI to Prof JT To:, Date: Monday, October 26, 2009, 3:00 PM Gini.., anda sebelum ambil posisi tentukan dulu, entry level, target level, stop le

[ob] Harga minyak

2009-10-25 Terurut Topik edie sinthung
Tolong tanya : kalo mau lihat historical price oil yg daily di mana ya? Thx

Re: [ob] Re: UNSP - Analisa buaya JOGED

2009-10-15 Terurut Topik edie sinthung
Circle - Support: Brown Circle --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, edie sinthung wrote: > > Keliatannya up trend ..bukan side ways..Untuk Long term. MACD hampit GC. > Harga di atas SMA 10 dan 50.. >

Re: [ob] Problem Email .....RE: Milis OB

2009-10-12 Terurut Topik edie sinthung
yahoo sg saya juga kacau. semua milis tidak bisa masuk.So.. OB saya pindahin. Bisa pake alternate email kok --- On Mon, 10/12/09, charles_3983 wrote: From: charles_3983 Subject: Re: [ob] Problem Email .RE: Milis OB To: Date: Monday, October 12,

Re: [ob] ANTM gimane nih?

2009-10-08 Terurut Topik edie sinthung
ANTM Beritanya di rekomen buy dg target 3100 ? C...P... bilang bisa 4000?TODAY so strong ni saham