Morning friends.
Good note Pak Jacob, Bu Nindya.
But let me be the devil advocate this time... :)
This detached viewpoint has so many name in so many religion. But, that is
true for the purpose. To find happiness in this complex life, or should I
say, to CONSTRUCT it? It is a CONSCIOUS effort to
For what purpose eh, Ratu Sima?
I fail to see the reason of deliberate act to create an illusion, only to be
self-destroyed again, and again..
Therefore, I fail to believe that crisis as big as this, is crafted. Human
make mistakes, and we still pay for it, dearly.
Therefore, again, I fail to se
Aye, Prof! Good battle, wish you luck.. hehe..
Aku mau avg-up ENRG malah suspend! --> ketahuan kalo kurang teliti deh,
hehe.. Tahu begitu aku tubruk aja kemarin regardless belum breakout.
In a way, this BD good, pas kudu menyangga, pas suspend. Gak butuh modal,
2009/5/14 JsxTrader
Pagi Jenderal Artomoro, zen-master Rei (saking sabar-nya... hehe..
Tradingnya mesti sambil yoga..)
1. Setuju dengan poin, kalau smart money mau gain, mereka harus tarik IHSG
naik. Tidak mungkin mereka ngeshort modal mereka sendiri, triliunan yang
sudah mereka injeksikan ke market. Ngeshort kecil-k
54? Crazy.. (geleng2 gak abis abis)
Terus mau jual karena udah 500%? Crazy.. (geleng2 lagi)
Hehehe.. Congratz anyway..
2009/5/13 I believe in Elaine
> Gua hold DEWA dari 54 ampe skrg . Dan berniat lepas di 500% , alias 270 .
> Moga2 besok sampe .
> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone fro
Cuma bisa nyumbang source of sentiments aja ya, Mbah:
Posisi AB terhadap opsi2 calon pemerintahan, minyak, coal, CPO (kudunya
positip 3-3nya), sama duit panas deh (yang ini mungkin agak ngerem2 dikit,
menjelang pemilu --> atau malah udah stop --> Here, I missed Elaine so
Untuk duit panas,
tock sambil nekan IHSG.
> Biar begitu, kita tetap harus waspada. Hal hal kecil perlu
> kita amati:
> Yg embah amati sore ini:
> - Bakrie stock IJO tua, tapi BUMI dan UNSP cuman +1%.
> Ini harus diwaspadai dan dianalisa.
Cucumu minta ijin membagi pengamatan. Siapa tahu, bisa berbagi ketenangan,
Bagiku, ini adalah skenario HOSTAGE. Yang jadi sanderanya adalah IHSG,
penyanderanya adalah BAKRIE.
Kalau diamati dari intraday 1-5 menitan, akan terlihat sekali agresivitas
dan konsistensi penjagaan BD atas
Pak Rei,
Please confirm, account ini punya Embah? I will donate immediately.
Second, count me in, for Elaine's program! So, I will still buy BNBR by Monday,
to be donated to OB at the end of 2009.
OB is truly a valuable asset to lots of stakeholder. Bravo, Embah!
Last week, I was like daydream
Citi gift, bad enough (depends on the perspective used, though). JPM & ML,
-token from a newcomer.
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