[obrolan-bandar] BLTA dan PTBA.... Calpers????

2006-05-01 Terurut Topik The Boss
Sold out 80% Kami sudah nyuci gudang untuk sementara... waktu. IT's time Don't be greedy. We can't win them all... We will never loosing money as long as we make profit.. But watch these stocks for middle term Watch and Wait Signal China….. more tha

[obrolan-bandar] Brand new ferary

2006-04-28 Terurut Topik The Boss
Akankah PTBA dan BLTA seperti PGAS dan ANTM   WATCH these stock.   The brand new Ferary will come.???     Roger? Do you Yahoo!? New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 1GB free storage! SPONSORED LINKS