Selasa, 06/04/2010 09:20 WIB
Bakrie Brothers Rugi Rp 1,627 Triliun
Bakrie & Brothers (BNBR) membukukan kerugian sebesar Rp 1,627 Triliun di 2009.
Kerugian dipicu oleh kenaikan beban usaha sebesar 25,45% dan adanya beban bunga
sebesar Rp 1,091 Triliun.
Berita Terkait :
* Laba 6
Senin, 15/03/2010 16:26 WIB
Kasus Korupsi PT KA
Berkas Kasus Dilimpahkan ke Kejari
Andri Haryanto - detikBandung
Bandung - Berkas kasus dugaan korupsi investas PT KA di PT Optima Karya Capital
Pak DE, gimana kalau EOD Rp. 50.000/- dan real time kenakan Rp. 100.000.- per
bln / member cukup ga utk subscribe.
Corporate subcription Rp. 5.000.000/ bln utk n workstations..?
Keep up the excellent work for the long haul pak ... you have created an
excellent tool.
Proficiat utk mbah atas hari ini hari lahir milis OB, mencapai dasa warsa nya.
Konsisten dalam long haul spt ini sangat sulit ...
Kita tentu sudah liat ada milis milis, websites yg dibuat dng semangat, tapi
kendur setelah bbrp waktu.. dan lelayu..
Semoga posting di milis OB tambah bermutu ut
If she and/or Boediono are ultimately forced out, foreign investors who regard
them as leaders in the effort to modernize business practices and governance
are liable to turn sour on the country.
JP Morgan Asset Management's Hong Kong office has already been quoted by
Reuters as saying that i
Prime News
Feb 23, 2010
Astro wins $324m award against Lippo
Malaysian firm wins dispute over failed pay-TV venture
By Leslie Lopez, Senior Regional Correspondent
The award is the latest twist in the crumbling alliance between Mr Ananda
(above) and the Riady family which
Bongkar bongkar, dicobain di telp jinjing eh bisa tuh...
Kalau boleh nambahain..
Bagi yang mau giving terutama utk anak jalanan, romo I.Sandyawan Sumardi yg
sudah kita kenal baik bekerja sehari hari di Jakarta, untuk survivalnya anak
anak jalanan tanpa memandang SARA nya.
Hp: 08128774044, telp: 021-8308255
silahkan hubungi bil
Mereka tidak demo, tidak banyak bicara, tidak juga teriak teriak apabila pulau
kita diambil, baru koar koar..
Mereka pergi dan lakukan.. mereka lakukan jauh dari kenyamanan wireless cafe
cafe dengan frapuchino..
Mereka memeta, meneliti, mengunjungi semua pulau pulau batas terluar NKRI ..
Pak SB,
Barusan update Chartnexus.. liat top mover hari ini dari ranking 1 - 7 = B7..
wah wah..
Salam sejahtera
From: SbudianaYCS
To: Obrolan Bandar
Sent: Wed, January 27, 2010 11:34:59 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: Sell IHSG , Buy BUMI Pak Budiyana
Saya pikir apa yg pak SB share adalah yg disebut street smart, dari pengalaman
bertahun tahun dan diobservasi sendiri.
Kayak contohnya : bandar kertas, dia udah ga pake timbangan lagi utk tau ini
kertas berapa gram beratnya..diraba aja udah tau dia ini HVS atau apa, berapa
gram dll. Atau tukang
Fitch upgrades Indonesia (Business Times (Malaysia))
The stock market jumped over 80 per cent and bonds posted equity-like returns
last year as investors have been attracted by the tantalising prospect that
relatively stable politics and healthy economic growt
Mau urun aja. Dari sejak posting pak DE, saya gagal terus masuk.
Pake browser: Firefox 3.6 dan Chrome terkini..dua dua gagal.
Koneksi saya FirstMedia, OS: Vista Home.
Tadi sekitar 15 menit lalu, tiba tiba teringat ada browser namanya IE8 dan
dicoba berhasil (yg dua lagi masih tetap tidak bisa)..
Uninstall dulu yg lama, setelah itu baru download dari situsnya.
Jangan pake upgrade dari softwarenya..
Ga tau kenapanya.. tapi saya sudah pake versi baru dan jalan lancar
Jointnya ama ELTY ya
From: Anggodo bintang Lima
Sent: Fri, November 27, 2009 8:20:04 PM
Bakri nya Dubai kali yaaa
> > Yaitu pihak BD dan Retail kejedut jika kasus Dubai membesar...
Membesar keliatannya mbah... bursa yg buka ancur ancuran, Dow Fut minus 317..
Asian stocks tumble amid Dubai fears, dollar slump
Asian stocks tumble after European rout amid Dubai debt fears; dollar slumps
against yen
Dubai debt fears hit world markets hard
Dubai debt fears, dollar slide hit world stock markets hard
* By Pan Pylas, AP Business Writer
* On 11:54 am EST, Thursday November 26, 2009
* Buzz up! 38 * Print
LONDON (AP) -- World stock markets tumbled Thursday as investors fret
* BusinessWeek
* Business Exchange
* Wednesday November 4, 2009
New Business November 24, 2009, 7:34PM EST text size: TT
Behind the Great Stock Rally of 2009
There may not be much to the rally beyond herd-like momentum, but that could
keep the stock market going even int
Dow Fut dari - 30 (15:45) skrg plus 10 (18:00)
Stocks Fall on China Bank Capital Concern; Dollar, Yen Advance
By David Merritt
Nov. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Stocks fell around the
Buku yg ditulis Prechter:
Among the books Prechter has authored, coauthored, or edited are:
* Frost and Prechter, with a foreword by Charles J. Collins.
(1978-2001). Elliott Wave Principle: Key to Market Behavior. John Wiley and
DJI Fut + 55 (15:40 WIB)
From: jsx_consultant
Sent: Mon, November 16, 2009 2:35:39 PM
Subject: [ob] Info: DJI Future +74
Info: DJI Future +74
Jam 14:35
+ +
+ + + + +
Mohon saat meREP
WB ini bervisi sangat panjang.
Moda transportasi kereta api adalah bagian dari supply chain system yang
Lihat reasoning analisisnya ini dan bandingkan dengan moda transportasi lainnya:
moved on average a ton of goods 471 miles on one gallon of diesel and it
releases far fewer po
Peak oil:
4 reason why:
1. Depleted reserve (see the chart above)
2. Demand soaring
3. Exploration is less
4. Many oil producing well already under invested.
Consensus among oil indsutrialist soon oil reach US$ 200..
Effect to us in Indonesia? See comment on
BNBR to go to Rp. 50? BUMI Rp. 1.100?
Ellaine, no wonder she has gone fishing.. Ratu Sima on her spa ..
Buffet will says: Buy..while others scare to death..
Dow Jones sliding crash
Dow 9,712.73 -249.85 -2.51%
Maybe the statement here reflects paling pas: Dead on Arrival..
Dont try to understand the dagang sapi..
The market probably say it all: minus ..
From: James Arifin
To: ob
Kebahagiaan itu perjalanannya, bukan tujuan...
Ia butir butir yang kita sadari untuk menikmati sebagai kebahagiaan, day in day
Sambil nunggu jawaban dari Suhu Erwin, embah coba jawab:
- Kebahagian itu selalu harus kita kejar dan jaga agar tidak
hilang karena kebahagian bisa hilang d
A Bear Market Lurks as Dow Nears 1
Rarely has the stock market seen a six-month rally like the one it
just turned in.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average's 46% surge was one of
just six of that magnitude in the last 100 years. And that
Maaf link ini salah
DJUSCL bertengger masih di 265 (9 Sep 09) naik 1.0*% ( Grafik
coal global
Mbah ini kalau blm tahu, kali bermanfaat, dari Stowe Global Coal Indexes :
Utk industrial global info :
Kali bermanfaat utk informas
Boom, Bust and Blame .. misteri Biruang dan Mahisa
Udah tuh...tercapai..
2170 hedge fund kabur semua ..
NIKKEI 225 (07:23 WIB)
(Osaka: ^N225)
Index Value:10,252.90
Trade Time:8:23PM ET
Change: 277.16 (2.63%)
Prev Close:10,530.06
Day's Range:10,245.58 - 10,378.08
Dow 9,310.60 -185.68 -1.96%
SSE menurut Guppy harus bisa nahan diatas 2400 atau ya ambless..
Index properti naik 4.1% (14:50)
From: Lucky Trader
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 7:52:52 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] sabododeh
Jadi mo hajar apa nih bang, Property sptnya sudah masuk jarak tembak ya ?
BSDE & CTRS chartnya loo
Dari beberapa analis, BUMI, sekitar range Rp. 2400 ~ 2700.- wajar.. utk saat
sekarang sekarang ini.
ASII blm dpt wangsit.
(sorry ga bisa disclosed sources).
From: artomoro9
To: ob
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:00:37 PM
Subject: [ob] amazing bagus putra
Bad news:
Noriel Roubini aka Dr Doom not yet becoming a convert Dr Boom:
He warns 12 hours ago:
Nouriel Roubini warns threat of double-dip recession is rising
Mbah, liat di hari ini saham B7 ini menurun, tapi turun dlm range yg pendek
taktiktok.. saya coba pikir what tactical yg lagi di pakai.. turun kecil kecil
saja bolak balik kaya strikaan..
Last Trade
Avg Vol (3m)
Day's Range
Bid Size
- - - - - BNBR-W.JK 12:1
Equity News
Indonesian palm oil producer First Resources issues $100 million CBBy Anette
Jönsson, | 21 August 2009
Read this article online at:
convertible is well-received by both outright investors and hedge fu
Dari Market Watch :
Dari NOAA :
Dampak terhadap industri agro harus diperhitungkan. Kemungkinan El Nino memberi
pengaruh thdp iklim diperkiraka
Boss Berak, emang kau ada data supir Medan masuk jurang melulu?
Jangan gitu lah.. yg damai damai aja..
Perang ama Bandar tuh
** Recovery
has been driven by investment, but perhaps as much as 30-40% of it went
into real estate and stock speculations. There is a bubble that must be
contained, if it bursts, the whole Asian and world recovery will burst
along with it. But because of China's cumbersome bureaucracy, it is
Sadis banget free fall nya.. DFut minus, regional dive mode juga..
LAgi diguyur di 3100
From: t_bumi
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 9:09:19 AM
Subject: [ob] Re: [Ask I Ching] Bgm BUMI hari Rabu ini? 19 Aug
Sip : tbumi
BUMI akan tembus Rp. 3250 sampai Rp. 3300 hari ini.
08:05 WIB
TOKYO (Kyodo)--
Tokyo stocks opened lower Tuesday after Wall Street tumbled overnight on
revived worries about the economy's recovery, but losses were partially offset
as some investors hunted for bargains after the Japanese market's decline the
previous day.
Nikkei 225
Nikkei 225
Now Europe is deep red FTSE 1004,611.02 -102.95-2.18%,DAX - 2.34%, CAC
- 2.37%, Dow Fut: - 192, jeezz..
Waduh waduh Nikkei ancur pagi ini, udah minus 2.32% (08:22 WIB)
9:15 WIB:Market Live
Nikkei 225
08/17 - 11:00
-237.08 ( - 2.24%)
Ayoo.. DEWA masih the laggarder di B7 ya pak..
From: Tasrul
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 3:23:28 PM
Subject: RE: [ob] Re: Mau Avg. Up DEWA gak ?
Tawaran saya cuma berlaku
sekali lho…besok-besok jangan nanya ya hahahaha
Aduhh ini pesan moral pas banget dng lagu Orkes Moral Pancaran Sinar Petromak
Mbah saya ngaku ... ni die ai lah orangnya...
terima kasih untuk insightnya ini.. dalam sekali..
From: jsx_consultant
To: obrolan-b
Itu keputusan MK juga jadinya memberi sentimen wait and see ya..
Keputusan dibacakan perkiraan dari jam 2 sampai jam 4, soale ono 400 halaman
Jadi blm tentu end result di kasih tahu di jam 2.. (apa emang mau nunggu ISX
tutup dulu?)..
From: Rei
To: obrolan-
From: T Halim
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:52:19 PM
Subject: Re: FREN, GZCO, TRUB
Are you sure about FREN?
From: Lenny Liembono
Sent: Tuesday
BEtul pak DE, serem mainnya ini bandar di gasrukin dari 93 ke 74 barusan..
mudah mudahan ga ada yg kena di OB ini.
From: Dean Earwicker
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:49:50 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] Ask p Tasrul: FREN? VWAP?
INDONESIA: Growth will appear to be slowing in next Monday’s 2Q09 GDP
report, to 3.9% YoY. But sequential, seasonally adjusted growth is accelerating
I dont think one should be ashame if one is making a mistake.. and then we
should not also ridicule one who had made a wrong assesment..
Who can predict the future?
It is a bestimation, certain point of time based on certain
If one can predict than the world perhaps
Malah ngacir udah di 5050 INCO.
Udah dikasih tadi boss petanya ama mbak..
From: "d...@ob"
To: Milis OB
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2009 2:12:51 PM
MBah Petanya please
Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by INDOSA
Berita coal yg kurang bagus utk ke depan, Tiongkok masih pemakai terbesar batu
bara..akan ada kelebihan pasok..
China may face excess coal supply in H2 -XinhuaPublished: 02 Aug 2009 20:09:00
Benar kata pak JT, BUMI di pagerin bener di paling bawah cuman 2650..
Whats up?
Betul pak T stok makin tipis, pembeli terpaksa cari barang di pasar genjing
thanks for your view..
lihat inventory di LME juga menurun.
2009/8/6 T Halim
>Bloomberg pagi ini jam : 9:20 Nickel per mt: US$ 19750 (turun 750) dari high
>tadi pagi pagi
From: Bettina Tan
>To:; junior_tra...@yah
Bloomberg pagi ini jam : 9:20 Nickel per mt: US$ 19750 (turun 750) dari high
tadi pagi pagi
From: Bettina Tan
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2009 9:11:32 AM
Subject: [ob] Beli
Consider this view to round the thinking..still a volatile now a days..,9171,1844547,00.html
Monday, Aug. 03, 2009
China's Soaring Stocks Pose Risk to Global Markets
By Cesar Bacani / Hong Kong
For a while there, it looked like the doomsayers would be
Naik angkot merah 107 (non AC) pulang pake angkot ijo 110(full AC)
Thanks prof JT..
KIJA 132 perak
From: artomoro9
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 12:04:25 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] SEJATI: Buy KIJA tp 175 ...
Yang masuk PGAS beware.. seems gas nya abis tuh..
Thanks utk advisnya pak JT, udah out di 2475, just by a whisker.. cukup dulu..
From: JT
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 10:43:38 AM
Subject: INDF - RE: [ob] SGRO - BREAK !
Waspadai INDF, ada
He has done his mark in this dunia fana, have we?
Farewell Mbah Surip, you rockss...sire,well done.
From: jsx_consultant
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 12:52:18 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] Mbah Surip meninggal.. index jadi turun
Teman saya dari Selandia Baru mendapat voucher Air Asia senilai Rp.500.000.-
krn flight delay.
Expiry 29 Sep 09.
Krn dia ga bisa pakai (udah mulih ke NZ) mau dijual Rp.350.000.-
Ada yg butuh? Bisa dinominasikan ke nama yg beli dan dipakai utk beli tiket Air
Maaf kalau ini OOT, saya cuma
Sucden Financial Limited Tin Report : 03-Aug-09
Anchors: Technicals Market Data
Technical Analysis Section
=== LME Tin === Download This Chart
=== LME Tin Monthly === Download This Chart
All charts developed using CQG for Windows.
LME Tin 3 mth
GA bayar trial 30 hari hehehe..he..
Register dulu tapinya.. free reg.
Plus please note data di chart tsb per 30 July 09, tapi ditulis on 3rd Aug 09..
jadi tambahkan saja kira kira dng
Sebagai tambahan dapat dari Sucden, TA nya nickel per 3 Aug 2009:
Sucden Financial Limited Nickel Report : 03-Aug-09
Anchors: Technicals Market Data
Technical Analysis Section
=== LME Nickel Chart === Download This Chart
=== LME Nickel Montlhly Chart === Download This Chart
Wah sorry pak Rei dan semuanya, setting fonts nya berubah ga sengaja.
Agree pak Cougar,focus is so important.. and the bucks stop here.
Apapun keputusannya beli atau jual ada ditangan masing masing. No one can tell
you to part from your money here.
Saya tidak pernah percaya 100% begitu saja ke posting posting.
Info dari OB tambahan buat saya dan arahan untuk mem
Based on 3 months buyer - 4 Aug 2008 to 4 Aug 2009
From: Rei
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 8:05:00 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] inco - nickel price this morning
Nickel sdh rebound lebih dari 100% ya dari lowestnya...bisakah bal
Tambahan info dari Bloomberg TV on nickel : USD 19010 / mt - naik 750 (jam 8:00
Bakri 7 semua merah ni hari..
From: JsxTrader
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2009 3:09:39 PM
Subject: [ob] BUMI - Pull Back
Kemaren banyak yg merasa ketinggalan BUMI.., nah ini ada
gejala pull back, em
13:36 - 60k lots hovering around 4625 - 4650.. let see pak JTL
From: JT
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2009 11:58:47 AM
Subject: INCO - RE: [ob] BUMI cangcut
Jangan sekarang, nanti aja tunggu 4650 jebol dan close diatas
itu dgn
The Monster of Wall Street Lives
Markets are recovering. But the systemic risk problem that nearly ate New York
is still out there.
By Michael Hirsh | Newsweek Web Exclusive
Jul 24, 2009
Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase have reported huge profits, the Dow has ma
Saya ada pertanyaan tentang universenya retailer equity di Indonesia.
Kalau lihat dari jumlah retailer yg di pasar modal, kalo ga salah terakhir
angka yg pernah disebutkan oleh BEI sekitar 300.000 orang, berapa besar
sebenarnya bandar mengharapkan dari kita kita.
300.000 itu juga banyak yg puny
Sddtional from TA side:
>From Base Metal :
Technical Analysis - Nickel - Sets new highs but looking overbought
FastMarkets Ltd - William Adams - Nickel's rebound has now pushed into new high
ground for the year with a move up to $16,950.
The stochastics are rolling along the ..
Candlestick Chart
Saya tidak minta tapi dikirim japri puluhan Mb..
Dan di pengantar malah jadi jualan malah jadi jualan? Apa saya salah ngerti?
Tlg jangan kirim ke saya lagi krn saya tidak memerlukannya ..
Saya juga rencana menjual seluruh koleksi e-book saya tersebut seharga 370rb
utk semua judulnya (sudah
upload saja di
Fasilitas sudah tersedia disana. 10 Mb bisa diakomodasi dng mudah.
Biar masing masing download spy milis bisa focus ke hal yg diutamakan.
From: jsx_consultant
To: obrolan-ba
Jumat, 31/07/2009 12:03 WIB
Bakrie 7 Kuasai 60% Transaksi BEI, IHSG Tembus 2.300
Indro Bagus SU - detikFinance
Mbah Nikkei (11:13) plus 1.78%
HSI plus 2.31%
From: jsx_consultant
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 11:11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] BUMI +12,3% vs IHSG 0,8%
IHSG +20
SERBU LAGI, tapi sore barang dijual yah...
The recovery is by no means here, but it may be near. Important indicators of
economic performance such as industrial production and workweek hours are still
in decline. On the other hand, the Institute for Supply Management (ISM)
indexes have increased throughout 2009. The available indicators
Pak, gemes bener tuh 2268 tadi udah dekat bener ya.. emang strong resist .
Biar gak kejebak, saya kasih peta aja ya , intinya kalau
IHSG mau lanjut minggu depan, harus bisa tembus 2,269.59 dalam minggu ini.
REgional already in red zone ...
Top seller BUMI per jam 11:00 - 30 Jul:
YS: 33.650 lot
Buyer : CS: 100.407 lot
Hedge fund..
But in the long, global oil prod had been on decline read:
From: artomoro9
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:01:14 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] Fwd: (BN) O
Roubini, aka Dr Doom, seems getting more optimistic too.. this is his comment
today about Asia:
Nouriel Roubini raises growth forecasts for AsiaBy Sameera Anand | 29 July
Read this article online at:
CIM lbh syerem lagee pak.. atos ah getek..
>Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 5:42 AM
> >
>sy aga geleuh sama kata-kata CUM itu.. kenapa yah..
Bahh... di garuk pake UNVR, ASII Index biar ga ketinggian?
Gampang pak... jadi client Overseas pasti dapet hehehe..he..
Tul ga pak Tasrul..
Subject: Re: [ob] BUMI
Tasrul, saya mau lho di share rekomendasi internalnya. ..heehehehehe. ..
Rasanya fundamental nya blm cukup kuat utk membuat V shaped recovery..
as Noriel Roubini also said, we might be crawling for a while in the bottom of
the pit before climbing out. Just be careful, prepare for the worst kata Billy..
And keep the best of hope too.
Friday Look Ahead: Bull Could Take a Rest,Stocks could stumble Friday as
investors reassess the market's rapid run.
--- On Fri, 7/24/09, jsx_consultant wrote:
From: jsx_consultant
Subject: [ob] Prediksi EL is being TESTED this week
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.
Bukan bom
GA ada beritanya di kompas maupun di detik.
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