[ob] L-Men Cyberhunt 2009

2009-06-29 Terurut Topik Kent
jadi apa-apa setelah anda menekan tombol vote, cek ke bagian atas, akan ada pesan yang menandakan anda telah memilih then You're done Thank you very much for your cooperation and kindness for choosing me Regards, Hengky Kurniawan Terima kasih OB-ers. Kent.

Re: [ob] IHSG ALERT: MACD Slip

2009-05-27 Terurut Topik Kent
Achtung artinya WARNING boss (Bahasa Jerman) Taunya cm bahasa kampungnye aje sih... Hehehe... Peace!

Re:Bls: [ob] Black swan

2009-05-21 Terurut Topik Kent Surjadi
Betul kang Asep, semua juga tau beli murah jual mahal, tapi bgmn yakin beli udah paling murah atau jual udah paling mahal, yang penting mah follow the market aja krn market never wrong, juga fear & greed itu bnr2 berlaku, jg mao ane tambahin di market tdk ada BD yang ada hnylah orang atau kumpul

[ob] Bakrie Groups

2009-05-14 Terurut Topik Kent Surjadi
Suhu JT, melihat trend dari grup Bakrie apakah sdh muncul pola reversal? Bagaimana dgn BNBR yg kelihatannya "DIJAGA" di level 100? Mohon pencerahannya, thanks. Regards, Kent. Sent from my BlueBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung

[ob] Re: Nokia Email Ngadat

2009-04-23 Terurut Topik Kent Surjadi
Pake BB lah, lupakan push e-mail dari yg laen apalagi NOKIA, cape deh... Regards, Kent. Sent from my BlueBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...! + + + + + + + Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus kecuali

[obrolan-bandar] Re: The hunter went for the bull...in the end ...they is being attacked by the

2007-10-23 Terurut Topik Kent
"ركيزه اساسية في فكره التمويل هي العلاقة بين المخاطرة والعودة." "القسم الاكبر من المبلغ المستثمر المخاطر التي هو على استعداد لاتخاذ ، كلما زاد احتمال العودة." "والسبب في ذلك هو ان المستثمرين يحتاجون الى ان يتم تعويضهم عن اخذ على خطر اضافي." --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com

[obrolan-bandar] Re: The hunter went for the bull...in the end ...they is being attacked by the

2007-10-23 Terurut Topik Kent
"的一个基本理念在金融之间的关系,是风险和回报。 " "大数额的风险投资者是愿意承担,更大的潜在回报。 " "这种情况出现的原因是,投资者必须予以赔偿承担额外的风险。 " --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Lee Cwan Yeuw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > "A FUNDAMENTAL idea in finance is the relationship between RISK and > RETURN." > "The greater the amount of risk that an in

[obrolan-bandar] ANTM & BUMI are BACK!!!

2007-10-23 Terurut Topik Kent
Whatever happens, I still hold on TIGHT to these 2 stocks coz I still BELIEVE that they'll reached their TP in 5k & 5.4k soon enough. Is that right guyz? So just ignore all the craps written by whoever said that our index is being destroyed by whomever foreigners, all we INDONESIANS must keep our o