Dear Mark (cc: oauth WG),
As the designated expert for the Well-Known URIs registry, can you review the
proposed registration in draft-ietf-oauth-resource-metadata-08 for us? Please
The due date is August 27.
If this is
Dear Nat Sakimura, John Bradley, Dick Hardt (cc: oauth WG),
As the designated experts for the OAuth Authorization Server Metadata registry,
can you review the proposed registration in
draft-ietf-oauth-resource-metadata-08 for us? Please note Michael is an author
on this document. Please see:
Dear Mark Nottingham and Roy Fielding (cc: oauth WG),
As the designated experts for the http-fields registry, can you review the
proposed registration in draft-ietf-oauth-dpop for us? Please see:
The due date is February 1st, 2023.
If thi
r the preferred editorial style when defining new
> > HTTP fields.
> >
> > - The long line-wrapped example in Section 4.1 would benefit from
> > RFC8792 encoding. In HTTP, a line-wrapped field like the one shown
> > has whitespace inserted between each line, w
Dear Hannes (cc: oauth wg),
As the designated expert for the OAuth Extensions Error Registry registry, can
you review the proposed registration in
draft-ietf-oauth-step-up-authn-challenge for us? Please see
The due date
Dear Justin (cc: oauth wg),
As the designated expert for the OAuth Token Introspection Response registry,
can you review the proposed registration in
draft-ietf-oauth-step-up-authn-challenge for us? Please see
The due d
Dear Hannes,
Following-up on this review; could you let us know if this registration is okay
to proceed?
Thank you.
Best regards,
David Dong
IANA Services Specialist
On Mon Feb 27 23:07:32 2023, david.dong wrote:
> Dear Hannes (cc: oauth wg),
> As the designated expert for the OAuth Extens
Dear Hannes,
Following-up on this review again; could you let us know if this registration
is okay to proceed?
Thank you.
Best regards,
David Dong
IANA Services Specialist
On Wed Mar 22 20:44:22 2023, david.dong wrote:
> Dear Hannes,
> Following-up on this review; could you let us know if
Dear Michael, Nat, John and Dick (cc: oauth WG / review mailing list),
As the designated experts for the OAuth Authorization Server Metadata registry,
can you review the proposed registration in draft-ietf-oauth-dpop for us?
Please see:
Dear Hannes,
As the designated expert for the OAuth Access Token Types, OAuth Extensions
Error and OAuth Parameters registries, can you review the proposed registration
in draft-ietf-oauth-dpop for us? Please see:
The due date is Wednesda
Dear Justin (cc: oauth WG),
As the designated expert for the OAuth Dynamic Client Registration Metadata
registry, can you review the proposed registration in draft-ietf-oauth-dpop for
us? Please see:
The due date is Wednesday April 12th,
Dear John and Hannes (cc: oauth WG),
As the designated experts for the JWT Confirmation Methods registry, can you
review the proposed registration in draft-ietf-oauth-dpop for us? Please see:
The due date is Wednesday April 12th, 2023. Thi
Dear John, Brian, Michael and Chuck (cc: oauth WG),
As the designated experts for the JSON Web Token Claims registry, can you
review the proposed registration in draft-ietf-oauth-dpop for us? Please see:
The due date is Wednesday April 12t
Dear Hannes,
Hello. Have you had a chance to review these proposed registrations?
The due date is Wednesday April 12th, 2023, as this document is on this week's
IESG telechat agenda.
Thank you very much for your time.
Best regards,
David Dong
IANA Services Specialist
On Thu Apr 06 15:14:01 2
Dear John and Hannes,
Hello. Have you had a chance to review these proposed registrations?
The due date is Wednesday April 12th, 2023, as this document is on this week's
IESG telechat agenda.
Thank you very much for your time.
Best regards,
David Dong
IANA Services Specialist
On Thu Apr 06 1
Dear Justin,
Hello. Have you had a chance to review these proposed registrations?
The due date is Wednesday April 12th, 2023, as this document is on this week's
IESG telechat agenda.
Thank you very much for your time.
Best regards,
David Dong
IANA Services Specialist
On Thu Apr 06 15:22:17 2
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