Re: [OAUTH-WG] User-agent flow and pre-registered redirect_uri

2010-06-11 Thread Christian Scholz
rization for >>> that client. The user then gets a new copy of that client (perhaps >>> a new computer) and authorizes it. Whoops. Now all those >>> invalidated tokens are valid again because the authorization tuple >>> exists. Except now the issue date on

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Draft -07 (major rewrite)

2010-06-11 Thread Christian Scholz
ach request had a unique type, now we > are back to guessing what is requested, like in WRAP. I am just wondering why having a separate endpoint for this isn't enough. I would rather map another library call to another endpoint instead of relying on guessing on the contents. T

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposal for OAuth dynamic client registration

2010-08-11 Thread Christian Scholz
t in getting involved > in UMA-specific work, feel free to drop me a note.) > >Eve > > > > > > ___ > OAuth mailing list > > https://w

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposal for OAuth dynamic client registration

2010-08-11 Thread Christian Scholz
gistration protocol. >>> >>> >>> >>> The IETF Secretariat. >>> >>> >> >> >> Eve Maler >> >> >> __

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposal for OAuth dynamic client registration

2010-08-11 Thread Christian Scholz
on_date: >>>>> 2010-08-10 WG ID: Independent Submission Number_of_pages: >>>>> 20 >>>>> >>>>> Abstract: This specification proposes an OAuth Dynamic Client >>>>> Registration proto

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposal for OAuth dynamic client registration

2010-08-11 Thread Christian Scholz
n proposes an OAuth Dynamic Client Registration >>> protocol. >>> >>> >>> >>> The IETF Secretariat. >>> >>> >>> >> Eve Maler >> >> >> http://www.linkedin.

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Rechartering

2010-09-13 Thread Christian Scholz
uirements like also sending some metadata information from the client to the server (as you'd normally do with manual registration). We also would probably prefer having a separate spec we can point to for registration (probably the same for discovery). best regards, Christian -- Christian Scholz,